Hello from Switzerland!

I am almost 50 years old and got my ASD diagnosis last summer. I had gotten an ADHD diagnosis over 10 years ago.

I am only now starting to discover all the second, third, fourth order effects of all the masking that helped me seem so normal through so many years.

The diagnosis helps me a huge lot, even though I was so "highly functional". It truly feels like being reborn to me. My relationships are all changing to the better, and new ones start out with a very different and much more healthy outset.

On my evenings, I am trying to put together a subjective yet hopefully thought-provoking informative website about ASD. I want to get more knowledge about the continuous "spectrum" in "autism spectrum" into the mainstream, and help reduce the stigma and denial about neurodiversity.

I would love to get your feedback and comments at https://aspierational.net.

Thank you for being here, for maintaining this forum, contributing, and helping each other to make this world a better place for all brain structures!

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