Disabilities and loneliness

I’m a 19 year old woman and I am disabled. I am autistic, have a condition called nvld, i also have sensory processing disorder, tourettes syndrome and three types of anxiety. this all leads me to struggle a lot in my daily life. I feel as if I don’t have any independence as I can’t really do anything alone and have to rely on others.  At the moment im unsure as to what to do because I want to make friends and have a project to work on but I am hardly able to leave my house and I don’t work due to my disabilities.

Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do in my spare time or how I can feel less lonely without going to places since I can’t go on my own? I hope this post was okay, i couldn’t think of what to say really. 

  • I am 50 and a guy.  I work, so I meet people there, but I find socialising very difficult for to my social 'challenges' and sensory issues.  I try to be a bit social online, and was enjoying the hiki app for a while, but I was banned - I suspect because one of the mods was anti-Semitic and criticised a post calling for the destruction of Israel.
    I try to meet people IRL - a local autism meet-up. (Im in the midlands - I can send you the facebook link if you want it)) but even that is difficult.

    Perhaps you could try a local autism meetup, or maybe try to find people on here that live near you and just meet for a coffee and a chat occasionally?   I guess i is more difficult for autistic women, as there are fewer "diagnosed" autistic women and going for coffee at a meetup with a bunch of socially awkward guys could be intimidating.

    Sorry I don't have any better suggestions.

  • I am 50 and a guy.  I work, so I meet people there, but I find socialising very difficult for to my social 'challenges' and sensory issues.  I try to be a bit social online, and was enjoying the hiki app for a while, but I was banned - I suspect because one of the mods was anti-Semitic and criticised a post calling for the destruction of Israel.
    I try to meet people IRL - a local autism meet-up. (Im in the midlands - I can send you the facebook link if you want it)) but even that is difficult.

    Perhaps you could try a local autism meetup, or maybe try to find people on here that live near you and just meet for a coffee and a chat occasionally?   I guess i is more difficult for autistic women, as there are fewer "diagnosed" autistic women and going for coffee at a meetup with a bunch of socially awkward guys could be intimidating.

    Sorry I don't have any better suggestions.

  • I find socialising difficult too and that’s a shame that you got banned. I find that apps like that can be stressful since they ban you or are not very good representation of the neurodivergent community. I appreciate that but I’m not in the midlands myself.

    perhaps, I don’t get out often myself, it’s hard to admit but I can’t really go out by myself, I’ll always be reliant on people to help me in that way, even when I’m older, and now i could require carers for it.

    at the moment I’m looking for local autism meet-ups, although nothing is showing up in my area, that may be because it’s smaller in comparison to other areas. that’s exactly right, i haven’t found any diagnosed women in my area and it’s definitely harder to get diagnosed as autistic when you’re female and an adult.