Struggling mum of A child with ASD level 2 and Sensory processing disorder along with adhd and extremely fussy eater

Hello to whoever may read this,

I am a mum of 3 Beautiful children and been hit with some challenges I really don't know how to handle I am trying everything I can to help My 6 year old Daughter who we have recently found out she has i Diagnoses of ADHD and Autism level 2 who also has a Sensory processing disorder which is pretty Severely hard to handle and manage most days along with super fussy eater which having all this is making our life pretty hard as it effects all aspects of our life and our youngest is now doing monkey see monkey do which is making it more fun said no one ever and then you have my oldest who is 8 has a language developmental delay as well and is starting to act out.

To add to the mix a husband who doesn't understand that we need to do things differently but try's but would do so much better if he had more patience.

I love my children but i miss being able to go out with my children anywhere and not having to think off all of things.  Now I struggle to take them anywhere by myself due to my 6-year-old and her meltdowns and clothing issues I also i miss how my Husband and I used to be.