Hello... Old Member Recently Diagnosed After Long Wait.

Phew! Managed to log in! (The forget password page shows "Error". Tried a few old passwords and I am here!)

I am recently diagnosed after being assessed. I want to ask something but don't want to ask where it can be seen and dont know who to ask.

I joined this site  about four and a half years ago when I was placed on the assessment list. I was recently put forward because I moved to a different area with shorter waiting lists so I am so greatful to all here as I have been assessed. Next week I am meeting someone at a place to discuss how I can be helped from here. I am not used to this so I can't think along those lines yet... As all my thinking was about the need to be assessed as my life had been "On hold".... (I need to explain. A few months after I was placed on the waiting list back in may 2019 I had another burnout/breakdown caused by stresses at work(They were very nice at work, but due to past work of the same kind in a different store, I found that the memories of past events meant that each time I tried working I had another burnout/breakdown.  I did not know what was happening to me because when these things happen they effected me physically (As well as mentally) but to me it was the physical that I noticed? Never was able to speak to doctors as didn't have aclue how to describe... Even today the autism people in the area I used to live know far more about it than my past or present doctors do as the last autism team were able to write to my doctor so I could go off sick instead of having more years of no income like I had had before when I could not work and could not go sick (As I never knew what was wrongand how to describe what I was going through).

But even as I write as have been on sickness benefit (Universal Credit) while waiting to be assessed and not worked since the first few days of september 2019... (Taxpeople seem to think I worked but was an u derpayment from a few years earlier that was sent to me about a year or two ago... Think was the tax people who found we were employed below minimum wage hence why the payment... So how come the tax people in one office not know what the taxpeople in another are doing? Thought they used computers?

Computers. Why are they soo complicated? I had to wait a month and a half to get help as had sick form from doctor but no way could I work out the online forms of what to do with it! My Mums friend worked for Mind. If it wasn't for her I would have chucked the form and had no income again! I am intelligent. But no way could I do those online forms! 

Paper forms one can write to explain if one can't tick the yes or no box. Online I get stuck at every other question as no boxes fit my circumstance! Hate the tick box!

Sorry.One of the things is on the assessment is that I keep going off on tangents! Haha! Oops! Sorry! Deleted some of whatI wrote as was not relevent. 

Forgotton what I was writing about! :D

Oh hes.I was assessed and have a question.... But can't write where everyone can see it. Now how do I "Send" this? Not been on this site for ages! Sorry I dissapeared...