
Hey, I'm Kitty.
I'm new here and I guess you could say I'm pretty new to my diagnosis of autism as I was diagnosed in 2020 but had long suspected I might be autistic in my early 20s.

I always had signs of autism when I was little, not that I realised it then of course but I never fit in and my whole life that's never changed which is why I've decided to join here as I'm hoping it will be a place I can be myself and hopefully will fit in.

Despite some of the issues autism brings I am really happy and proud to be autistic. It's difficult at times but I see a lot of positives in my life because of it. Like how passionate I am about my hobbies and interests. I lack social skills unfortunately but I like to think I'm a nice friendly person.

I find peace in music and lately I've been doing creative stuff from the comfort of my room. Oh and I've been binge watching One Foot In The Grave. I have a love of vintage TV series Sweat smile 

Nice to meet you! 

  • I love it Sweat smile he'll always be Mr Meldrew to me lol.

    I haven't seen Father Ted yet but it's something I'm determined to try and watch at some point.

  • Hey, Scott. Thank you Hugging 

    Congrats on your diagnosis. I hope it made a positive difference to your life. I remember with my diagnosis it brought me a lot of comfort and that I felt I knew who I was for the first time.

    There's something really cool about old TV series. I watch new series as well like on Netflix but I prefer watching old TV, seeing the old clothing, old phrases used and generally it's very well written too. I haven't seen Vera yet but I have seen Columbo. Very funny series, I don't think they could have picked a better actor than Peter Falk to play him! Have you seen Juliet Bravo? I watched that last year. It's a TV series about British police, also really good.

    I love Disney as well! Slight smile Inside Out is one of my favourite films. I love all animations. Have you ever watched Hotel Transylvania? They are amongst my favourites.

    I find music almost addictive at times and it can be very inspiring. When I'm working on being creative I'll normally be listening to something.

    Don't give up with your scriptwriting. A lot of people are turned down the first couple of times. Stay strong and dedicated and then at some point you will find that success. It just takes one person to give you a chance.

    I am so sorry for your losses and that you contracted covid. So glad you are better now and hopefully you won't contract it again. I've had it once, it wasn't bad enough to send me to hospital thankfully but it was the worst I've ever felt so definitely don't ever want that again.

    Best of luck finding work. I've been looking as well but so far no such luck. I keep looking for things to do from home. I'm considering writing, it's something I enjoy and I am a fast writer but I don't know if it's something I'll be able to do professionally.

    Time will tell.

    Thank you for the welcome. 

  • I'm going to let you know that the community rules say not to post pictures of yourself, but then I realised that this rule has been broken with other people. But the rule does exist, so you know, just in case this gets deleted, that's probably why. X

    Please don't reply back.

  • Hello Kitty and welcome to the forum!

    My name is Scott and I was diagnosed with Level 2 ASD in September of 2019.

    I also like the old comedies such as Only Fools and Horses, One Foot in the Grave, Porridge, Open All Hours etc. I also enjoy watching Boon and the 1980's series of The Equalizer starring Edward Woodward. I also watch detective shows such as Vera, Columbo and Only Murders in the building.

    Over the last few years, I have been watching Disney films. My favourites are Oliver and Company, Bolt and Inside Out.

    I have an eclectic taste in music, if a song or piece of music has a catchy melody, I like it.

    I have done some scriptwriting in the past and sent them off (Without success), and I hope to start again in the New Year.

    I have also lost three members of my family in the last four years. I was also in intensive care in late May early June of 2020 due to contracting COVID. Thankfully I recovered.

    At the moment, I am currently searching for employment.

  • Back in the day, Richard WIlson had a cameo on Father Ted (if you didn't know!). Also a very good show.

  • Hi again. Thanks. Rosette

  • Lol Sweat smile I love it. He's hilarious! And thank you for the welcome.

  • I love One Foot In The Grave. When I first read about it I didn't think it would be that funny just following the life of an elderly man but it's actually hilarious! I laugh every time I watch it and I've got all of them on DVD now.

    I love Blackadder as well! Relaxed️ I also love Porridge, One Foot In The Grave, The Sweeney, X Files and I've been watching Boon the last couple of weeks and I'm really liking that so far. I like watching stuff. It's relaxing and fun.

    I'm really glad you have found your own diagnosis such a positive experience for you as well. I'm glad it's not just me who feels like this.

  • Hey! Thanks!

    I'm hoping it will be a good experience. I love alt rock too. My favourite music is pop. I like being creative, it's meant to be really positive for mental health as well.

  • I don't believe it!!!

    (OFITG joke for those thinking I'm being rude Innocent)

    Welcome Kitty.

  • Hi Kitty!

    Wow, One Foot in the Grave. I've not watched that in ages! It was an excellent depiction of a curmudgeonly old codger, though, brilliantly observed. We still have a lot of that these days! "Back in my day.... wheeeeeeze...."

    What other shows do you like? Blackadder, Red Dwarf, and Bottom are faves of mine.

    Good that you're proud of being ASD, it's much the same for me. My diagnosis was a great thing and it allows me to be myself. 

  • Hi kitty! Welcome to the forum! It's a very friendly and I hope you find some benifit in it. I too love music, especially alt rock stuff. What sort of creative things are you trying out?