Hello fellow travellers, just need to know not alone

Hello all,  we have a wonderful teenage 17, after two extremely difficult years,she has got her and diagnosis. 

IWe had to take B out of school 2 yrs ago.  I tried the education inline but didn't work.

Our lives were turned upside down.  My husband is a good man but doesn't really talk about the difficult stuff.

B gets intrusive thoughts, sleep disruption and honestly doesn't really leave the house much 

Just need some people in similar situations to share with. 

Thanks all


  • Hi

    I’m new here but thought of sharing that I am 44 and do mot leave the house much too.

    I was diagnosed 3 years ago and now things are making sense but on my side, it was always hard to understand why people enjoy going put so much and I never did.

    I was able to feel a bit better when I was able to allow me to live under my own rules and not to fall on what I call “the should trap”.

    It is a habit we all have of staying just inside the box and end up assuming that in such a diverse world we should be all getting levels of happiness or success measured by only one set of combined aspects.

    After allowing myself to be a person that is fine and happier staying indoors I felt better but it brings issues, for sure, who has a life with no issues?

    being in the spectrum just mean my issues are different.

    hope it can be of help!


  • Yes it really does help.  The difficulty is B hasnt really had a choice, but I hezr you and thank you.

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