Daughter does not want to participate in some school activities such as circle and classwork

I’m am looking for suggestions on how to better help my daughters teachers and myself at home

she is very intelligent and does love school but we have hit the stage where she does not want to participate in most school work or they will have to separate her to get it done. I am wondering if anyone has any tricks or tips to help her be more interested in school work, I think that word right there turns her off “work”.

man example from her daily communication form from her teachers “Audrey protested stations and work. Eventually she worked a little on spelling.she had lunch and protested second circle. She didn’t want to go out for recess so she stayed inside and helped clean the classroom. For second set of stations she participated in art and did a great job, but then protested the rest of the activities”

I’ve mentioned that she does love arts and crafts wich they know because that is one part of the day she will never miss she’s very creative. I’ve mentioned she loves rainbows and unicorns ect to help her count the unicorns or spell the colors of the rainbow but that’s where we loose her interest most times.
it could simply just be that she is a very independent girl who don’t need no teacherJoy 

thank you for reading of this sounds like your child I’d love to hear what you did to help them be more interested in school work  

  • Has anyone asked her personally why? Is there a reason she must conform?

    It may be she is beginning to focus in on that which floats her boat and is impatient

    with the rest, which she may resent being forced to sit through.

    It was punishingly boring to do so for me. 

    Is there a reason she cannot just be allowed to do the things that suit her

    and forego the rest? This is what they often had to do for me when I

    would kick my chair, tap coins or drum pencils. 

    I was, though, forced to go out for recess which I spent circling the grounds' perimeter alone.

    Perhaps there is a school that understands her needs better?

    All I wanted was to mix colors and paint, play with clay or some such.

  • Do you think there is a reason behind not wanting to do her work? Maybe a sensory thing or she could be afraid of getting it wrong or something like that?