
Hello! I'm Somebody. I have autism and I am passionate about Doctor Who, watching films and tv series, writing, music and reading.

I'm twenty seven next year, currently in burnout after trying and falling to succeed in the workplace. Disappointed that I failed but I've been watching Doctor Who and that's made me feel a bit better.

  • Are you a Doctor Who fan? 

    My favourite is Peter Capaldi. I loved his time as the Doctor. I feel he had some great stories, excellent speeches and his Doctor felt natural. For me, he seemed to fall easily in to the role and portrayed the character brilliantly. I also liked the companions he had - I thought Clara went better with him than she was with Matt Smith and I loved Bill's character, I wish she'd had longer really!

    I'm also a big fan of Peter Davison as the Doctor. I thought his time as the Time Lord was brief but brilliant! I loved his portrayal of the character, he had some amazing stories and he had in my opinion the best group of companions the show ever had - especially Adric and Nyssa and Tegan! I really wish they'd had longer, though it's been good seeing some of them recently in Jodie's last episode and also the Tardis tales!