Hello Everyone

I'm in my early 40s and was diagnosed with autism just two months ago, so I'm still getting to grips with how it's impacting me and how best to respond.

  • That's a pretty strong lineup, would have been a fun evening. I get a lot of comedy online via places like Nextup who have loads of shows online and even livestream from events like the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Did you go to the show?

  • Masking Is hard to overcome. I thought and still feel my diagnosis is an explanation of me having the right to just be me. No, society demand I act in a manner that accordingly is acceptable to what the mainstream consider ' normal' . It can become easier to isolate, it's what you do in isolation I think is key for me, each will have their own views on this. I try not to dwell on a lifetime of being punished, when 'we' should have been understood and helped, but that's gone now, I hold no anger from my past, but I struggle with my anger on the outside world to this day. 

    When I'm faced with sheer ignorance, one ridiculous remark from the said person and its all over for me. My latest one being what led me to join here last week just for a sheer rant, and some advice, sorry, I'm digressing ha, but unfortunately aged 54 diagnosed 5 years ago, thinks have gotten worse for me, but the pandemic and a parent with dementia and a job I was hanging onto by a thread, and all the other things life throws at you, as well as other personal problems led to a very dark place. 

    To date, I still feel bullied by society in having meet ' their ' expectations. As family have no understanding nor real acceptance of my conditions and all they entail, they still persist in putting pressure on making me responsible for things I don't necessarily think I should HAVE to do. 

    Heres the irony, if I keep my mouth shut, mask and obey people I've known my entire life will insist there's nothing " wrong" with me.

    When I finally speak out, lose control of my emotions, them same said people will say she's always been a bit " mad "

    Find some peace in what you enjoy, mine is the solace and tranquility of myself and fur baby. 

    I absolutely love being out in all weather walking her, unfortunately I live in the inner city, don't drive, could get lost in a shoe box, so the panic of that along with other issues I have, I'm pretty much stuck for scenery to escape into. I'm lucky to have 2 nice parks nearby, that helps. 

    If you're person who struggles to stand up for yourself, I'd say to anyone, make it one of your priorities to make allowances for yourself, and if other people need to make them allowances also, theThinkingthat's only fair and right. Alas, the more society dictates to me, the harder them asd/adhd dig in. Rebel with a cause I am...I think Thinking 

  • Hi Ben, thanks for confirming and thanks for the welcome.

  • Hiya, I was dx last year, I'm mid 40's . There's lots of us in a similar position here :) 

  • Hello

    I'm also in my 40s (just about!) and new here too.

  • Hello Talking Paradox

    On your profile you ask, " Is that the sort of thing?"

    Well yep! That's the sort of thing.

    Welcome to the forum.


  • Yes, me similarly. I see you're especially into comedy, there's an NAS comedy event on this evening claphamgrand.com/.../ Slight smile

  • Hi TP

    I'm just a bot older than you (wrong side of 50) and also diagnosed recently (last month).
    You'll find there are a number of forum members that are of similar age group (generation) that are also quite newly diagnosed.

    I think that we're all finding our feet in terms of what this all means when considering past, present and future.
