Travel pass

Hello, I'm new here and looking for some advice please.

Last week I took my pip award to travel centre, which showed I had 12 on mobility, along with ID and such to apply for a free travel pass. To cut a long story short the woman asked me could I prove I had autism and how it affected me. I said I didn't have proof I had autism and by having 12 points on my mobility it had already been decided and declared I am entitled to 12 points by a health professional.  Unbelievably she asked me to bring my diagnostic report to her so she could flick through it to pick out relevant details. Aghast, angry, embarrassed, agitated I left and am still obsessing over the situation. I will now have to ring my gp which I hate and ask can I have some form of letter that says I have autism .

I looked and found a letter that doctors can use as a template, but there was no link to it. Has anyone any advice or experience with this. I'm 54, diagnosed 5 years ago, and I think I may be allergic to 'normal typical 'people.

  • 0Hi fibonacci, thank you for you time and concern. So I am diagnosed autism/adhd although they are categorised as difficulties rather than disabilities,many people including myself do also have many traits that cause them to be disabled, ie I can become mute in stressful situations, immobilised, frozen and often completely disassociated. I have absolutely no sense of direction, panic when lost, which could mean coming out of a shop in via a different door, then having to try retrace my steps to get back, oh god the list is endless. In my younger days undiagnosed I failed my driving test 6 times....thank god, as I realise now my focus and living in la la land half the time, I'm sure I have been blessed in avoiding any fatality. I could go down the route of obtaining a pass by G1, but me being me will insists that if I am entitled to a free bus pass, then it should be for F.

    I know, I know, I should just go with the easier option of G1, but I feel I didn't pick this battle, it picked me and whomever made the decision that merseytravel staff can legitimately ask to see your medical records, is a pill I cant swallow. 

    Also, I did go onto the website of transport and general and in I think question 7 it says a pip award can be taken as evidence....however I will get someone at some point to verify that information for me, cos I'd hate to to back to merseytravel with a fully loaded gun and shoot myself for getting a fact wrong, which I obviously do. 

    So at present I await the reply of my complaint, the automated I guess reply says someone will contact me within 7 to 14 days. 

    I was tempted to ask could they make any reasonable adjustments and shorten that time, but I thought, what is the point, whether it be man or robot, no one responds in a humane manner anyway.

    I would also like to add, writing to merseytravel is the first letter of complaint I have ever written in my life. I can stand and defend other people, but can never do the same for myself. For how miss merseytravel made me feel, I know it shouldn't be but it's now personal, especially as to add insult to injury I then went on to hear her colleagues make a catty remark about me as I was nearing the exit. 

    So I shall let you know how I get on, thank you all x

  • I had a friend who had this happen to her recently with our council pass although for her it was to do with eyesight.

    I have popped onto Mersey Travel to have a look around as I saw from a comment below that this is the organisation.

    I am not sure of which category from the below you fall into, but given this is an autism forum, I'm going to assume Category G.

    When I popped on to see what they required for the online application, it did say that they required a letter from your GP saying you are unable to drive and the diagnosis for which this is the case. 

    Category A - Blind or partially sighted
    Category B - Profoundly or severely deaf
    Category C - Without speech
    Category D - Disability or injury which has a substantial effect on your ability to walk
    Category E - Does not have arms or has long-term loss of the use of both arms
    Category F - Learning disability
    Category G1 - Would be refused a licence to drive a motor vehicle because of medical fitness
    Category G2 - Would be refused a licence to drive a motor vehicle because of severe mental disorder. The disability must be long-lasting (expected to last at least 12 months) or permanent.

    I do absolutely agree that they should accept PIP, but as they have not said that they will do so, it is okay for them to demand a GP letter instead. But refusing to let them flick through your diagnostic report is absolutely your right to do so.

    I hope the GP letter is quick in coming and says what you need it to. Make sure to specify it needs to say why you are unable to drive as this is what Mersey travel seem to care about. 

    Wishing you the best.

  • Thanks Ben, I think I shall do that, as I had to do that last year,send a letter to gp. I still think what they're asking is wrong, and then I think of all the people before and afterwards who will go through this same scenario. I've just been looking st the blue badge and what would be needed, the pip evaluation is good enough for them, I just can't understand why any organisation think its passable to give their staff the right to look at such documents. I'm disgusted.

    It's just like even after diagnosis and  pip award, im not heard.

  • I will now have to ring my gp which I hate and ask can I have some form of letter that says I have autism

    Why don't you write to your GP to ask for a letter explaining the situation and your fears.  Tell them you're losing sleep,  and stress how worried you are. Writing is much safer than telephoning as you can take your time, sleep on it, then check it through, make changes if necessary,  and send it when you're happy with it, keeping a copy for yourself, of course.

    Whatever you do, I wish you a happy outcome.


  • I'm sorry to hear that and I understand re the private information.

    Could Citizens' Advice help?

    Unfortunately I don't know what else to suggest but hopefully someone here may have had a similar situation and be able to assist.

  • When I was diagnosed 5 years ago, the psycholo gist sent me a copy of my diagnostic report. That is the only proof I have that I have autism. So the woman at the travel centre wants to flick through my report to see proove I have autism and how it effects me regarding travel. My question I have messaged to merseytravel is, do they employ a policy giving their staff the right to ask for and flick through such personal documents. I rang up and they suggested I post my diagnostic report. I am absolutely appaled, that report contains 49 years of such very personal, confidential and sensitive information.  As much I it is easier for me to ring doctors for proof, I completely totally think it is injust for anyone to have access to such documents. How has this been allowed to be ? 

    Surely the 12 points awarded for mobility is proof that it has already been decided by health professionals how my disability affects me, what does miss merseytravel herself think, that she herself doesn't agree with them. 

    At present I'm on a waiting list for cptsd, another disability in itself, some of the traumas leading to this are mentioned in my diagnostic report. I can't express how in a million years I would never allow anyone to 'flick through '

    This incident has so far cost me 3 days of poor sleep, absolute vigilance of keeping control over my inner rage, resisting the release of head banging, trying to find breath in self soothing, has brought so much emotion back at going through what's in that report with the psychologist,  going through them pip forms, in itself an ordeal. 

    I dont believe anyone but ourselves and a health professional should have the right to 'flick ' through anyone's medical records. 

  • With regard to your assessment you would normally be given a report or your GP would have been sent one, which could then be copied for you.

    What isn't quite clear is whether you have/had a diagnostic report as if you do, will the letter you speak of be necessary and in fact, will it be enough, as the person you spoke to wants details I believe of how the autism affects you.

    Just a copy of the report that was sent to yourself and/or your GP should be enough hopefully.

    All the best with this.