PIP refusal

Hi I was just wondering how other autistic adults have found the PIP experience? Has anyone been successful in getting PIP? How did you explain your struggles? I got my decision today and they said I don’t qualify. Any help would be appreciated thank you 

  • Mind blowing. But let's remember the govt doesn't want anyone 'helped'

  • Yeah I got 2 points and nothing for anything else apparently being formally diagnosed as autistic doesn’t count as evidence cos I apparently don’t have any problems with relationships and sensory issues and so many other things which if they just looked at the qualifying criteria for an autism diagnosis then they would clearly see that these are the things that every autistic person deals with every single day. 

  • Thank you I will contact them it is so stressful I will ask for a mandatory review and so what happens 

  • What can I say? 

    Been through it twice. No points for anything including managing healthcare, which is my one reason for applying and the evidence is overwhelming that I cannot.

    Apparently, the vast majority of applications are dismissed. But if you get Citizens Advice involved for the appeal, most of them succeed.

    Gross waste of tax payers money to stress people out having to go through appeal. Cheaper to give folk what they need in the first place.


    These things are assessed by people who know nothing about autism and are in any case employed to prevent anyone getting help.

    Book a CAB appointment

  • Very stressful but I succeeded in getting the basic care component without even having to have a face to face. I could only complete one section of the form myself but fortunately a support worker at a local organisation filled out the rest of it for me and I just had to sign it.

    Ask DWP to carry out a Mandatory Review (MR). If that isn’t successful take DWP to a Tribunal. Very roughly something like 1/4 of MRs are successful and 3/4 of Tribunals are successful.