hi!! need some help

hello i needed some help on whether i would qualify for an autism diagnoses because im confused on whether i would based on one symptom i dont experience which i think is very important for someone to be considered autistc

if i do say something wrong about autism please do tell me im still kinda new to this but ive been trying to do a lot of research for the past few months

also do keep in mind im also on the assesment waiting list for adhd so some of the things i may be describing might be about my adhd and not autism so if i do please tell me however they do both overlap too

one thing i see coming up on autism test and symptoms of autism is like not knowing what someone is feeling based on they face or their words even if they are not directly saying it, i feel like i dont really experience this, i feel like this is a key symptom of autism that ive seen regularly in media (which i know isnt the best media as it has issues on ableist and just not good representation of autistic people) and also in real life autistic people i know it just seems like such a key symptom so i feel weird if i did ask for a diagnoses

however with the other symptoms of autism i have them exactly and i also relate a lot to people who have autism and adhd never both

my life is always like im too overstimulated or im restless and bored of my daily routine

and also i mask a lot of my symptoms/ traits of adhd and autism throughout my life i was hit as a child and tramautised for those traits so maybe i have just interalised a lot of my symptoms but any advice is appreciated!!

if you have any questions about me and like if you have questions about my other symptoms please ask!!

  • It's a super wide spectrum with a lot of people experiencing different things with different intensity. Personally, I wouldn't say I'm good at reading people but compared to my cousin who was diagnosed as a child, I'm a master. 

    There's a reason the assessment is a long thing with many different parts. You need to look at a person from lots of angles and reach a conclusion based on the whole picture; it's never as simple as "you don't ____, so you can't be autistic".

  • however with the other symptoms of autism i have them exactly and i also relate a lot to people who have autism and adhd never both

    i meant to say 

    "however with other symptoms of autism i have them exactly  and i also relate a lot to people who have autism and adhd, i cannot completely relate to each diagnoses completely"

    sorry for any confusion!!