Does anyone else look younger than their age? I'm 24 and people constantly wrongly assume my age and won't serve me in shops. >_<

I'm 24 and people constantly wrongly assume my age and won't serve me in shops. >_<

  • Absolutely! I'm not quite 24 (I am in march) but I even got ID's for super glue when I was 21!!  I honestly used to get my friends to go in and buy things for me so I didn't have to go through the stress of taking my passport as I often leave it behind!! But I know how you feel it's so annoying 

    Rolling eyes

    People tell me you'll appreciate it when you're older - I don't know if this is true but we can hope!! Slight smile

  • Haha oh god, when I went to a pub they wouldn't even give me orange jucie lol and hm I didnt have that luxry of having friends to vouch for me (;-;) Yeah i've been told that too, I get that in hindsight yeah maybe I would but not now when i'm supposed to having the best years of my life - thats what i've always been told anyways lol

  • Haha oh god, when I went to a pub they wouldn't even give me orange jucie lol and hm I didnt have that luxry of having friends to vouch for me (;-;) Yeah i've been told that too, I get that in hindsight yeah maybe I would but not now when i'm supposed to having the best years of my life - thats what i've always been told anyways lol

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