Does anyone else look younger than their age? I'm 24 and people constantly wrongly assume my age and won't serve me in shops. >_<

I'm 24 and people constantly wrongly assume my age and won't serve me in shops. >_<

  • My i.d is citizens card which apperatnly is obslete and they think it's fake anyways lol xD

  • Yes, 30+something, and not being twigged as a mature student among the 19-23 yr olds.

  • I'm sure you look magnificent, mate. Slight smile

  • That’s definitely been brought up on here before. Some theory about stretchier collagen in many autists?

    I'm surprised by both these things. Really thought it was just my normal tendency to see significance in nearly everything.

  • Not silly at all. That’s definitely been brought up on here before. Some theory about stretchier collagen in many autists? 

  • So it seems. I stopped shaving so they stop treating me like a child last year. I'm 43 now, Looking a bit like a hobo had an additional effect, they stopped asking me for ID. One wrinkle on a forehead

  • I'm not going to bore everyone with my usual Tales of Nonsense. Instead, I'd like to ask: does anybody else wonder if this 'looking younger than one's years' thing has a link to autism?

    i am sorry that I don't know very much about ASD, so my question is probably very silly. It's just that, judging by the posts, looking younger seems quite common.

  • I think my baldnesscould be a factor. For some that just automatically equates to ‘elderly’. For others more forgiving of  the follically challenged they can still see the face o its own terms

  • Im 45 as well and it’s the same level of disbelief I get met with. Unfortunately in the opposite direction.i recently complimented two friends older than me for looking younger than their years. ‘Yes but what happened to you?’ They said. ‘Where was that paper round of yours again? Chernobyl?’ 

    though I’ve  also had (just)one or two people tell me I look younger than my age. I do have fewer wrinkles than average I think, and no eye bags yet. 

    I have this issue where the last thing said to me kind of sets reality objectively in stone. Especially if critical. But a compliment sincerely given could temporarily have me accepting I might look ok. That one’s rare so there’s no danger of me getting an ego - or even self esteem 

  • Nobody believes me when I say I'm 45.  Looks of shock all around. 

    Just keep your ID with you in case you're asked.  And you will reach a point when it becomes a good thing. ;)

  • Yep I get it constantly, I’m 23 but often mistaken for being a child. I wasn’t even allowed to be the responsible adult for my younger brothers at a theme park. I had to show them IDJoy I laugh about it but it wasn’t funny at the time. It frustrates me that it holds me back at work. I treated like I’m young. Although it was handy the other week. One of my managers needed someone to work checkouts who was over 18 and they walked straight past me, I hate working on the checkouts. So that was fine with me. I also got a gift from Santa a few years ago when I took my brothers to see him! So there are a few positives. Lol

  • This isn't fair. I am now feeling most envious. Sob Wink 

  • Yes, I do. It’s very common. I remember being a mother, and 28yrs old, and I was asked for ID in a nightclub. I was forever getting asked for ID when buying alcohol into my 30’s. I was asked for ID when buying cigarettes in 2021. I was 48 at the time lol.

    I did laugh when someone at work thought I was in my 20’s, and was confused when I was talking about my son who was 25 Sweat smile

    I don’t think it’s just an ASD thing though, as my sister still gets asked ID and she’s in her 40’s. Most of my family look younger than their years.

  • I'm not so sure now whether I look younger than actually am.

    I had no difficulty being served alcohol in pubs when I was under-age. However, when I was 19 and buying alcohol at a supermarket on one occasion, I remember my dad having to verify that I was legally old enough to buy it. At the time, I felt quite offended that the cashier didn't think I looked old enough. Now, it would absolutely make my day if I was told I looked too young to buy alcohol. Laughing

  • Yes!! I'm 31 and still get asked what year of secondary school I'm in Laughing  Recently I was in a restaurant with my mother and the waiter immediately took away my wine glass as soon as we sat down without saying anything, but he left my mother's glass on the table. I guess he just assumed I wouldn't be old enough to order alcohol. People always assume I'm a teenager lol.

  • Yep i am 25 and recently people collecting for a charity rang my doorbell - I opened and they demanded to see my parents- when i said it was just me they insisted and were concerned- they thought i was school aged and not old enough to live alone... 

  • omg II know the pain of that I feel so embrassed all the time! *hug*

  • Haha oh god, when I went to a pub they wouldn't even give me orange jucie lol and hm I didnt have that luxry of having friends to vouch for me (;-;) Yeah i've been told that too, I get that in hindsight yeah maybe I would but not now when i'm supposed to having the best years of my life - thats what i've always been told anyways lol

  • I'm nearly 28 and get this a lot. It's nice but at the same time I feel embarrassed, especially if others see it lol.

    Before Christmas picked up some wine for my step sister and the woman asked for ID. After she laughed and said I thought you were still at school.