Hello an introduction to me

Hi I'd like to introduce myself to you all all

I'm Eli and 25  and I've recently been directed this way by my Doctor. I don't feel comfortable in using my identity on here so I'm using something close. 

I'm not diagnosed, I've not had an assessment yet but I've had a referral for an assessment today

I've been trying to build the courage to ask for an assessment for about 7 years but always chickened out or doubted myself. I recently told my mum what was going on and what I was doing, she didn't try and stop me but any discussion of it is treated rather coldly and abruptly. It was only at the encouragement by my grandad recently that I've gone through with it.

Over the years I have become used to masking and internalising the way I've been mostly because of my upbringing. I was often seen as weird and to be avoided by others and if anyone associated with me they'd be picked on too. My parents never understood or accepted some of my "quirks" as I call them any of my interests wasn't encouraged by them. Still isn't in some ways but nowadays I don't care.  

I'm glad to see that I'm not alone on here. On to things I like 

I enjoy art and I can stare at art in galleries for hours I go through a phases of obsessing over various artists and artworks.

I also enjoy looking at architecture 

I'm named after an artist irl.

I go through phases of mania with my creative abilities then I burn out for months on end.

I enjoy writing poetry but am currently burnt out.

I do like the creepy and strange.

I believe in ghosts but I am heavily sceptical of those ghost programs on the TV. 

I could go on forever but I don't want to bore anyone so I'll leave it for now. I will be on from time to time and may post updates about what's happening with me.