Hi :)

Hi :) 

I'm autistic. Unfortunately I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety pretty severely. A lot of passing out in stressful situations which can be embarrassing to say the least! I'm not very sociable I'd like to be but it's not something I'm capable of. No friends because of this and I don't really talk to my family I just can't talk properly I really struggle with it. I've thought of contacting NAS and seeking their help but I'm not sure I can cope. Even a little stress or change results in big waves of problems for me. So mostly I stay in my comfort zone and safe space, I take things one step at a time.

I find medical things really interesting. I'd love to be a doctor, not possible at the moment but who knows in the future I might be able to if I can better control my autism and anxiety. I live in hope.

I like music especially classic like Beethoven and Mozart. I enjoy a little tv and movies. But mostly I love to be in my garden with the flowers and listening to the birds. I love nature.

I feel I've said so much about myself here. Sorry! :) 

  • Hi Kate,

    Perhaps you would enjoy to have a secret sing too whilst out in the countryside! It does wonders physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!

    Have a great day!


  • Hi Pru,

    Daft me! 

    'The Lookalike' is a recording from before my voice was wrecked. Aged 22 whilst a choral scholar at uni.

    Do you have any recordings of your voice from before the incident?

    Take care,


  • Thanks Pru,

    I sing when out walking. I have a very big voice and that is a problem. Everybody needs good neighbours.

    I have uploaded a couple of recent tracks 'The Vagabond' and 'Bright is the ring of words' but the former is more about raising awareness of the reality of rough sleeping and the latter makes the title a misnomer from too many years excessive smoking.

    I hope that you sing when you have the chance like in the shower hidden by the sound of the water.

    Singing should be on the national curriculum. Parts of the brain fail to develop without music!

    Maybe you could find a wood or an empty church or something so as not to be heard. It's liberating to be alone and let it all out. I used to walk down to the side of the M32 at 3am to be drowned out by the cars, but my neuropathy pain makes that problematic especially in winter!

    Have a great day and thanks for your reply.


  • Hi Jim,

    Thank you! Very nice to meet you! Love Bach. So good, so inspiring. I think classical music just reaches people, and of all ages as well. Really good. I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything you can do to help your voice like surgery or exercises? It's a shame that you can't do what you'd really love to do.

    No I just love listening to music and enjoying it. I very rarely talk, too anxious and my throat is scarred after drinking something toxic when I was 19. So I don't sing either, it would sound horrible for sure! My talking voice is very faint and wheezy sounding now which adds to the anxiety.

    Best wishes to you too Jim.


  • Hi Kate, it's lovely to meet you :) 

    I'm so sorry you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Are you coping ok with this? I justo to confess I am not, I probably should see a doctor but the thought makes the anxiety and panic even worse! So at the moment I'm just hiding away to keep myself calm. I've been hiding for 4 and a half years so far.

    I hope your anxiety and panic get better for you soon! 

    Oooh you have such amazing taste in music. I love it all especially choral music there's just something so relaxing and soothing about it I think. When I was driving, stopped because of anxiety, I used to have so much classical in my car. Absolutely loved that.

    I love walking in the countryside as well! It's so peaceful and relaxing. Aw wow your married and have a son, big congratulations to you Kate. I would love to be married and have a child one day. It must be nice that your husband is autistic too, I mean that in that he must understand a lot of how you feel and what you go through. It must be nice walking with them as well. Sadly I've no one to walk with.

    I can understand that Kate. That's pretty much why I'm here as well. I've been away from everything and everyone for so long but I'm lonely and I don't think it does my mental health much good either. I've already met so many lovely people here today, yourself included in that :) so already I'm so glad I came here.

  • Hi Desmond,

    Thank you!

    You should definitely give it a try. It can be hard work but so rewarding especially if you're growing your own food. It's a good hobby as well, keeps you busy and gives you less time to worry. That's what I find when I'm in my garden.

    It sounds like you have a wide range in your taste of music. I will have to look some of them up, I know Bob Dylan though! 

  • Hi Bill,

    Thank you!

    I would absolutely love that! I'll get my gloves :-) 

  • Cool, cool, cool. A choral fan too!

  • Hi Pru,

    I can relate to (inappropriately) apologising!

    Welcome fellow classical music lover!

    My man is the great J S Bach though when I was younger 'twas Wagner and I wished to become a Wagnerian opera singer.

    It turns out I am a Verdi baritone though it took decades to find out, my voice is ruined and it's likely too late and i am not in a position to flourish.

    Do you musik yourself?

    Sing or play any instruments?

    I struggle with my speech also (stopping problems!) and so I'm currently mute!

    I would not wish to be too wordy here to!

    Greetings, salute and best wishes to you,


    Jimberry and the Couscous (Youtuber)

  • Hi Pru - I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Like you I would like to be more sociable but tend - instead - to avoid too much contact with other people as it makes me anxious to be around a lot of people. I love classical music too (I like Bach, Rachmaninov, Mahler, early choral music, Gregorian chant etc) and I also find that getting out into nature is the best thing for my mental health. I like going on really long walks in the countryside with my husband and youngest  son (who are both also autistic).

    We tend to keep in our comfort zone too (when we can anyway!) but lately I’ve thought it might be nice to have one or two friends. I came on here because I thought it would be a good way to start being a bit more friendly towards people - to connect with other people more.

    so: hi! 

  • Welcome, Pru.

    I'm hoping that an old Family Friend will help me set up a Polytunnel. The plan is for me to grow my own potatoes, with a man I know building raised beds - with his son - for me.

    I like most music, but am Indie at Heart. Listen to Radio X when driving. I grew up with the likes of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Oasis, Blur and Supergrass. Now, I've evolved towards Bob Dylan, The Velvet Underground, Joy Division, The Fall and The Stone Roses.

  • Hi Pru,

    No need to say you're sorry at the end,

    Welcome to the forum, many of us have exacrly the feelings as you, so understand.


    ps. Will you come and do my garden, i've only got weeds growing.