Re-introduction (sort of)

I won't start this blog by going on about myself. I'm not ready yet. Instead I will just write... whatever else comes to my mind. Here is something that I hope someone will like. If you don't, that's fine.

Pure bliss. What comes to our minds when we think of this. People spend their lifetimes trying to find even a moments worth of it, when they don't even realise it could be right in front them. But is it something that mankind has to create for themselves? Or does it come to them in the blink eye, even if its for a small moment. Where is it found? In a grand house with every luxury possible, getting away from the stresses and annoyances that come with everyday life via on holiday in Hawaii, or is it found in the simplest of pleasures like waking up to a subtle, yet blazing sunrise or the joy of simply being alone in the beautiful country woods surrounded by nature's orchestra. Well, the truth is everyone has different meaning of "pure bliss", simply based on what appeals to the individual. But sometimes when that individual has their moment of bliss, do they savour it as long as they can? Or do they just forget it and move on? This is what I find happens when an individual has that craved 'blissful' moment, the excitement seems to vanish. Others, I find that something simple as knowing you passed an exam, receiving a heartfelt card/gift can leave an individual almost ecstatic. 

There you have it.


  • Not stupid at all, and beautifully worded - a kind of synthesis of poetry and philosophy, and straight from the heart. This should be, and I assume is (I'm new here) a safe space for that kind of nuanced exploration of such vital questions. I'm at work right now, and mentally exhausted for a host of reasons, but when I can find a quiet moment's reflection later, I'd like to ponder what you've said more thoroughly and add my own thoughts - for what they might be worth.

  • Was this a stupid post to put? Please be honest