Hi all

I am a grandparent that tries to offer help with autistic grand daughter.

Any advice or strategies for me to try when she hits out at me or others.

  • I've a friend in the states who cares for an Autistic person, and apparently my suggestion that they try giving the Autistic person a pair of ear-defenders or noise cancelling headphones for use in such times, has been helpful. 

    In me, I find a get a sense of relief and everything gets a bit "easier" on the rare occasion I remember to use my own. When my child went through the "terrible twos" I found them to be an absolute winner! A feature of my autism is that I really do not like being shouted at, and my performance is degraded in most sorts of noisy environment.

    A bonus is that if I'm wearing my blue ear defenders, it's a visual signal that "later would be better" and I also know that if they are still  trying to communicate with me when I am wearing hearing protection, I should probably listen...

  • Hi NAS77147 and welcome to the online community,

    Some of the advice / strategies on the following page may be of help to you - https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/behaviour/distressed-behaviour/all-audiences

    Best wishes,
    Kevin Mod