Hello, Please some help if you can.

Hi all,

I am new to the forum and have joined to try and get some advice if possible.

I have a relative, and there are a number of things I am 'concerned' about. I am using that term lightly because some could be just generally due to age but some others I am not convinced of. The child in question is 3, and will very shortly be 4.

* poor eye contact
* in photos looks distant and never really 'looking' at camera
* prefers to play alone
* doesn't like to share/will snatch/will take a toy when not even wanting it just so other child can't have
* Speech isn't very clear, quite monotone, can't always understand what is being said
* Very poor eater, only like's certain foods but even when has 'favourite/particular foods' doesn't eat very well
* won't eat outside of comfort zone, i.e. certain cutlery
* won't say hello, goodbye, wave even to relatives only seems mostly comfortable with parents.

* used to be 'obsessed' with a particular dvd, it wasn't one relevant to age etc but had to watch from beginning to end with all the credits

* Appears to come across as unable to hear/selective hearing when you know can hear you.

The child I am referring to has been in a couple of fights with another family member (same age) and a child at school, and at a party on different occassions. The playgroup also commented to say that the child prefers playing on there own and walks away if others comes over. This child is slightly more sociable now, but can tell prefers own space and often comes out with unusual comments, like 'your getting on my nerves now' to other children.

They have a very strict routine, and come across very shy, my personal opinion is that this is not just shyness but I am no expert.

The reason I want advice is mainly as above but its hard to define if there is a problem because a lot of children don't always share well, are fussy eaters, and are shy, say things that they shouldn't at times.

It concerns me more because these things seem a little more extreme than the norm? Also for example going out to a restaurant, they have to take there own cutlery to eat with?

This child is very scared/dislikes loud noises such as hoover, hairdryer, if the TV is too loud and will put hands over ears. Really good at puzzles probably for more a 5 or 6 year old than 3 or 4 year old.

I just want to hear what others think on whether this is anything to be concerned by, or not. I don't want to start saying things I shouldn't, but I wouldn't be a good relative if I didn't seek advice on something that concerns me.

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi alice,

    I have read your post several times. Are you saying that you are not the parent of this child and are wondering whether to say anything to the parents?

    If it is your own child, then as crystal says it would be worth following up, with the GP or Health Visitor, just to set your mind at rest.

    If it is a child of a relative I might be a bit more wary. A lot would depend on your relationship with the parents and whether you think they would be willing to hear your concerns.

    I am a grandparent and if (hypothetically) it was my grandchild we were talking about I would probably just watch and wait, rather than upset the family apple cart. Some of the things you describe are not unusual in three year olds.


  • Hi Alice500 - welcome to the site.  My inclincation, from your description of the little one, wd be to ask for an assessment.  No-one on here can diagnose but I think you are concerned, that's why you've posted, so follow it up.  If this child is autistic then an early diagnosis is more than helpful.  If the child isn't then you'll know.  I can see from your post how concerned you are.  You can put things off, but your concern may remain.  As the child is now 3, nearly 4, I think your concerns shd be checked out.  If you want to, keep us posted.  Everyone here understands.