
What to hoard?

The more time I spend on the net or watching the news, the more I panic about the future.

Should I hoard toilet paper?  This was the big issue in March 2020, this turned out to be a waste of time.

Should I hoard tinned and dried food ?  In case the supermarkets run out of food.

Should I hoard candles? In case the lights go out.

All suggestions are welcome.

  • Since winter is coming up, and Gary Clails "Everyone needs Food, Clothes and Shelter" is a good starting point, you need suffcient food to withstand supply chain disruptions, (3 weeks, alledgely) and a plan to obtain more before that runs out. You should have enough clothes already, but shelter includes heating, & fresh water (AND as far as I am concerned) electricity. Accordingly I have multiple ways of generatng electricity, depending on available fuel. NO electricity = no gas fired central heating or freezer, so you will need about 300watts minimum power generation capacity at 240V. For those of you with generators, here's how you run your entire house* off a tiny generator during a power outage. *no kettle, shower or electric heating of any kind. No 500W patio security lamp. No power tools, no dope growing.. Just the essentials.

    FIRST and most importantly you turn the big main incoming isolator OFF. IF you can't do that you shouldn't be trying this.

    SECONDLY, you make an extension lead that runs from your generator to the nearest ringmain socket and put a plug on both ends, making the most dangerous extention lead known to man. ON one plug you inscribe it thus DO NOT UNPLUG and plug that into your house socket. the second plug goes into to your generator. Connect at house first, disconnect at generator first.

    • This is MASSIVELY dangerous if anyone disconnects the house plug when the generator is running, I cannot stress that enough, and expect fireworks if that isolation switch isn't thrown and they get the power back on.

    But on the last three times we had power cuts, my suitcase generator ran the fridge, the TV set, some lights and the central heating... This winter if my neighbours provide fuel, I can supply both houses next to me, to at least give them the basics. (2A @240V) which puts three sets of motivated eyes on the generator.

    Your main survival resource unfortunately is other people. I expect my fairly decent survival and technical skills to be highly tradeable and in the event of serious civil disruption have already made arrangements to form an alliance with the local minor criminal set, with a site picked out with good "fields of fire" and a defensible perimiter. 

    Self defence unfortunately, will become a major priority for anyone who seems to be "getting by too easily" which is why I've formed the alliance that I have..  In this country we are very limited as to the weaponry we can own, but not in the knowledge and skills one can acquire, so I've declined to hoard weapons, choosing instead to acquire the skills to quickly improvise a variety of projectile and explosive based weapons, a well as an effective design of spear, which gives me a short dash to self protection if the rule of law breaks down, and full compliance with the very sensible laws we currently live under, if it does not break down. Tooling yourself beforehand (attractive an idea as it may seem at first glance) is just weirdo and "cheating" sort of behaviour, quite unbecoming of a decent british citizen. If you do not consider these issues though, you may as well not bother "prepping" at all.

    One ideal would be to have a wood fired gravity heating system plumbed in parallel to your regular nat gas heater. Bonus if it's based on a rayburn type cooker/heater. 

    All this is quite bleak sounding, but you can only help others if you are all sorted out yourself.

    Only take in people who will work with you and can demonstrate and will provide useable skills for the benefit of your growing "tribe". One reason I want thieves in my group..        

  • we should have autistics in charge of logistics in the UK 

  • I do follow that principle.

    I buy cereals, tea bags, coffee when they are discounted and I organise them by use by date so nothing is wasted.

  • buy when low thats what i do  

  • there are less hippies around now except Disappointed

  • Hoarding for a purpose is fine. The trick is to build up your stock before it is needed.

    > More important than anything is to use your stock in rotation so that you don't overstock or allow waste.<

    I run a 6 month rotation and I have for decades. It costs nothing more than buying one extra thing per shop to build up. The bonus is that it is also saving money when you buy 2 for 1 and sale bargains etc and build it up that way.

  • No, everyone I know has a supply of essentials and is growing vegetables. Better safe than sorry.

    My parents were Tom and Barbara Good. My aunt and uncle were Jerry and Margo Leadbetter JoyJoyMy mum grew vast amounts of fruit and vegetables: gooseberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, potatoes, runner beans, strawberries, peas... We had a big house and garden with various pets too. Lovely neighbours and parties... Happy, happy days... Life isn't like that now though! Everyone is too busy and self righteous to be friends.

  • Are you really Barbara Goode (wife of Tom Goode) from Surbiton?

  • We have a hoard of food and some toilet paper. I've been growing tomatoes and potatoes too.

    I wish people wouldn't change their names because then I don't know who they are Shrug♀️ 

  • Robert, the best thing you could do would be to switch off all these so-called 'news' channels and stations.  Their primary objective is to terrify and panic you with one made-up crisis after another, one tragedy after another, one scandal after another so that you are weakened by fear and cynicism and are compelled to keep watching. This is their business model. Nothing they report is a true. It is always distortion of reality. It is a profit-driven global industry which fabricates horror and tragedy in order to maintain its cynical and fearful viewership.  There is no need to hoard anything whatsoever. Simply stop watching these pernicious broadcasts. Your life will change for the better within the space of a week. 

  • And a big thick candle with a burn time of 70hours.  Just in case the lights go out this winter.

  • i fully approve  its a massive improvement

  • Today I bought a 3 month supply of non perishable items: soap, toothpaste, bubble bath and cotton buds.

  • I explained this in another post.

    Last week I  asked one of our 'deleted' colleagues why he kept changing his name.

    His answer was, 'because I can', so I tried it and it worked.  All my old posts also have my new name.

  • u changed your number from 123 to 124   ----- how dare you Slight smile

  • I will explain the context of my obsessions.

    My mother was a big hoarder, in the 1970s we had the three day week, power cuts, winter of discontent. It all affected her.  We had large stocks of flour( which went mouldy after a few years), salt, sugar, candles ( I still have this stock of 40 year old candles), cutlery, shoes, tea towels, bedding, towels, pasta( we threw out 20 year old pasta when she passed).

    I'm trying to build up a six month stock of non perishable goods, soap, toilet paper, cleaning products, toothpaste etc.

  • Thank God I live in the Countryside. Thumbsup tone1

  • dont use nettles !!!!!!