Hi my name is Peter

Hello Everyone,

My name is Peter and im from North Wales.  I was diagnosed with Autism back in March of this year thanks to the Integrated Autism Service.  I have a wife and 2 sons, one of which was diagnosed with Autism 3 years ago.

Since my diagnosis I have been thinking on and off that they got it wrong that I was misdiagnosed but some days I think to myself OMG how did I not realise sooner.  Some people have suggested i'm suffering from imposer syndrome.  I think my main problem is the only Autism U have experience of is my sons, I know the saying once you have met one Autistic person you have met one Autistic person.  But me and my son are like polar opposites hence why I feel the way I do.  My traits are similar to his with regards to social situations -im rubbish at i would much rather stay at home with a book and a coffee.  I hate the shops I always feel shattered when i come out from the crowds, the lights, the noise etc.  Im not sure if its a trait or not but when it comes to food i have no will power at all I will eat and eat and eat (suprised im not the size of Wales).

sorry for the rather depressive introduction of myself 

  • Hi Peter do you have any hobbies and interests? how old are your 2 sons? my hobbies are going down the gym, cooking, walking and reading books and magazines. Do you work? I work in Tesco 1 day a week on the dairy section filling all the milk up and checking all the dates on them. I don't like crowds in shops either or I dont like crowds on buses either.

  • Sorry for really late reply. I have a couple of hobbies which are researching my family tree (would be ace to see which branch autism comes from) and reading Book I currently have 365 books. My sons are 9 and 8. The 8 year old is also autistic. I work as a teaching assistant in a special needs school which my son also attends. 

  • I have also researched my ancestry, it is fascinating and infuriating by turns. 

  • I totally agree haha it’s fascinating seeing where ancestors lived and what they did and omg if you find a photo is like ultra amazing. But then when your stuck on the same ancestor for months you just feel like screaming lol

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