People problems


I am new to this forum...awaiting an assessment and have been told I am very likely aspergers by a mental health professional...I am a middle aged woman who feels like a teenager a lot of the time, especially when relating to people. The main issue I have atm are the problems I have in friendships and with people in general. I can't even describe what it is that I finding difficult...but I am so sick of it. For many years I was with a partner and was close to my parents and sister and when my relationship ended and my parents and sister died (it all happened in a very short space of time) I found myself having to deal with a lot more people due to needing more friendships....

Maybe the problems are...I find myself feeling a bit bullied by people, or put down, that there are misunderstandings and I find it all so exhausting...I get very alarmed by anyone being jealous of me and was oblivious to this in other women until recent years when I finally woke up to it....most recently I realised that a someone I considered to be a very close old friend of mine (25 years) has been being manipulative and mildly abusive on and off for years and I feel like my brain does not compute. I think lock down highlighted a lot of problems that  had previously ignored...I just want to get on with everyone and hate conflict and tension...but don;t seem to be able to create that for was so much simpler when I had a partner in many ways because although we argued more than I would have liked, it was much easier having only one person to relate to most of the time. 

Can anyone offer any advice or have similar experiences of this?


  • i relate to everything you said, and was diagnosed only two years ago, at the age of 62. i was bullied as an early teen by my 'friends,' and now wonder if my remaining 'friends' and family react similarly to me. so i've occasionally lashed out, or otherwise lost 'friendships' of twenty, thirty plus years. as you've found, it's been extremely difficult.

    during the lockdown, i've lost a number of relationships. most importantly, the possible loss of my only sibling and her family. and although you feel like you're remained a teen, i've remained about 8 or 9. 

    my recent therapists have all specialized in asd. i'd recommend seeing people like that. it seems to be treated very differently from NT things....

  • i relate to everything you said, and was diagnosed only two years ago, at the age of 62. i was bullied as an early teen by my 'friends,' and now wonder if my remaining 'friends' and family react similarly to me. so i've occasionally lashed out, or otherwise lost 'friendships' of twenty, thirty plus years. as you've found, it's been extremely difficult.

    during the lockdown, i've lost a number of relationships. most importantly, the possible loss of my only sibling and her family. and although you feel like you're remained a teen, i've remained about 8 or 9. 

    my recent therapists have all specialized in asd. i'd recommend seeing people like that. it seems to be treated very differently from NT things....

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