An introduction

Hello, I have just joined. I have no official diagnosis but that is due to a lack of NHS and/or affordable testing for adults in my area. As it is I am trying to find as much support as I can where I can which is why I am here. Googling things can only take me so far and there are some things I just can't find the answer too. I am hoping that perhaps I might be able to find some help etc here. 

  • I have to be honest since joining the forum,  this is the first time in my life I have ever had sustainable conversation and people understand where I am coming from. I don’t feel so alone and trapped thinking nobody will ever get me.  
    As I write things I am thinking “oh my god they will think I’ve lost the plot” but everyone here understands and even better relates to it. 

  • Welcome!

    It sounds like we are in the same boat, although I've not spoken to my doctor yet. I've found these forums more helpful than I expected, and it's been really encouraging to hear from friendly people who have had similar experiences to myself.

    Good luck with your search for answers :)

  • Welcome to the forum,

    Over the five years or so since I was diagnosed, I've found that other autistic people on forums like this one are by far the best place to get answers and good advice. No-one here will judge you for asking about those things that even the "experts" could only answer with blank stares, or were afraid to ask for fear of embarrassment; and the people are incredibly generous with their help. I hope you find it as beneficial as I have.

    Best wishes.