2-3 year wait for assessment

Hi I have just joined forum. I don't really know what to do. I was referred by.my doctor to have an autism assessment, I am 38 and have always struggled with certain things and wanted to find out why and see if I could access any help as am not currently working and want to find something that will be appropriate. The problem is I had a phone assessment, something that I really didn't cope with well and have been told it will be 2-3 years for a face to face assessment. I'm not really sure what to do now. I also have diabetes which means in my last job I was finding it increasingly difficult to stay at the counter in the shop because I needed to go to the loo a lot. My partner and I are struggling financially because I am not contributing. I'm really at a loss as what to do, as the wait time has thrown me and I don't know whether I am entitled to anything benefits wise. I'm not even sure if I belong here without any diagnosis. 

  • No advice I’m afraid - I just want to say that I know it’s all not as easy as it seems and that it’s all overwhelming. I’ve got Masters Degree and most of my employment was carious part time cleaning jobs (I’ve tried shops and restaurants but never lasted more than 3 months-at least in cleaning I didn’t have to talk to people and worked entirely by myself, nobody bothered me) Anyway, I wish you good luck.

  • As above go to your nearest open Benefits Advice centre/ community group etc.

    Take Copies of any medical/ disability diagnosis documents. or Originals and ask them to copy them and give you back originals if they need copies..

    Start again Visit your local Library and ask them how to apply for employment in the Library service.

    Start and Google Your "Village/Town/district Community Action/Services".  Start by talking to somebody Local to you to advise you further.

    Just Using the name of your "Village/Town/District" on it's own will bring up probably dozens of organisations.

    Then telephone the contact. with a pencil and paper. to write down anything helpful and if you need to hear something repeated SAY SO.

    YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE of Face to Face shop work and what your local Library's need Find out more. If Needed Join a Community group. Look in your Library.  They will have a Diary of Groups that use it's service if Interested make contact. 

  • Hey thanks for replies. Citizens Advice have suggested I apply for universal credit with my partner, I don't think we'll be entitled but I've done so anyway, although the idea of going to the job centre fills me with dread I have an appointment on Monday. In terms of work I only have experience in shops and a library. I loved the library but it was a while ago and I went for a library job recently and found out the nature of the job has changed a lot, it's all community groups and dealing with people, and multi tasking everything I'm not great at and unsurprisingly I didn't get it. As I said I had to give up the shop job I had because of physical problems with the diabetes. I do feel I can work but just not in any areas I have experience in so I don't see how I will be able to get a different job. It seems all jobs are multi tasking nowadays. I just want something where I can do something singular and repetitive in front of me, not too many people to talk to or customers to deal with, nothing too physical where I can't leave to go to the loo, that isn't after any specific qualifications or experience? Anyone have any ideas? 

  • If your looking for disability allowance can you tell them about your diabetes? I dont know how this works. Anyway theres probably lots of jobs suitable you just need to think what your good at, the work environment you want etc. For example, I decided to switch profession and go into my special interest. My special interest could have gone into working with lots of people or alone. I chose working alone or very few people 

  • You will have been  paying National Insurance and must always sign on as unemployed when you are unemployed to get a credit for the National Insurance payments due even if you get no money. 

    This affects your eventual pension, also benefits maybe.

    Find your nearest benefits advice office.

    also Go straight to your nearest citizens advice office for further advice. Find and ask for benefits advice and for appealing against a telephone assessment made against you.

    Go back to your GP and request a specialist doctor examine you.

    Write to your MP.

    You have two days to telephone every Political Parties Main office and complain about a two year wait for diagnosis

    Two Years to get a diagnosis is appalling This is something the NAS with the political clout it should take on right away. NOW !TODAY! IT's  ELECTION DAY ON THURSDAY.

    When I Fill in my son's PIP or ESA 40 page forms. I copy carefully them blank to computer, Print off a draft copy and fill it in very carefully, check my answers several times as Mistakes of understanding tricky questions are made time and time again. then make a second draft and update it with the corrected answers and still check it through for mistakes, and where felt needed add comments to tick box answers if it does not seem right. only when satisfied are the answers finally copied on to the form and you will still find you add or change something. keep a copy of your final offering. YOU HAVE IT FOR NEXT TIME THEY SEND ANOTHER FORM < AS THEY WILL< TO FILL IN> 



  • Welcome.

    No advice but I’m in similar situation. I’m 39, I was referred in 2017 and I’m still on a waiting list (hopefully I’ll be seen in 2020). I’m working full time but it’s causing me a lot of anxiety and I don’t know how long I’ll be able to cope. With work and with waiting for an assessment - I’m getting more and more anxious and stressed and withdrawn.