HI New Here, Trying Asperger Group Again

Feeling anxious for two days before the group. Wrong side of 30. My last 20 years have been a blur of struggle. Been to many mistakes, self-destruction.  So I hope i am now ready to start functioning to a reasonable level. Wow the patients of my family, they see potential but how long can my life carry on the slow moving roller-coaster. Giving up stimulants (alcohol and excess sugars)  to give myself more stability. I just hope is my combination of ingredients for this meal will taste OK. Just hope the cook is up to it. 

Wow it really helps to hear others struggling. Is that wrong?.....

  • I really hope that the group goes well for you and that you benefit from going. I've just been to an Autism Social Group earlier this evening, which I try to attend every month and I got to catch up with a couple of friends which was good. These groups can be a really good place to make connections with other Autistic Adults and to make friends. 

    I'm sure that you do have potential, maybe it's just easier for your parents to see it than it is for you at the moment. Hopefully in time you will see your own potential too!

    Well done for giving up alcohol and excess sugars!

  • I am glad you found connections in your group. I wake up this morning feeling petrified, electricity is rushing exhaustively through the veins. I just hope I just don't seem as too uninterested because I feel exhausted. 

  • I'm sorry that you've woken up feeling like this! Remember to self care if you can, maybe having something to eat and drink may make you feel a little better?

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