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HI! I was diagnosed with Asperger's a while back whilst still on the NHS waiting list. I have just received the official NHS diagnosis so now I feel I truly belong! Just saying hello! I'm really positive about it, as I feel it makes me who I am and is definitely the reason for my creative talents. Anyone else feel this way?

Parents Reply
  • I am a writer- I've always written, but it only really occurred to me to try to get it published and enter competitions recently! I'm also a tutor and specialise in English lit. I'm into the gothic, horror, crime - real life as well as fiction - I'mm studying forensic psychology for fun. I also play the violin and uke. 

  • I am a writer- I've always written, but it only really occurred to me to try to get it published and enter competitions recently! I'm also a tutor and specialise in English lit. I'm into the gothic, horror, crime - real life as well as fiction - I'mm studying forensic psychology for fun. I also play the violin and uke.

    It's great when something you find enjoyment and comfort in can become an active part of your livelihood. Must be great to turn up for work and have a good level of passion in what you do. Congratulations on persuing the writing too. I make electronic music, I'd be terrible with a Uke! I have these massive ungainly hands!

    I also collect and listen to music - I love making playlists for characters and giving them titles like albums. I got diagnosed late in life too, after similar challenges in life to the ones you describe.

    Lol, yeah, I have playlists with some themes. Never thought of doing one for a character, interesting concept! I hope things haven't been too rough for you, I hope things seem easier after knowing what made you feel like that for so long. Onward and upward hopefully!