Biomedical treatment for autism

Dear All

I am anxious and worried mum of three years old newly diagnosed child with autism

i was searching around for treatments and information, and came across biomedical treatment with several video on it on toutube

can anyone help me in this issue whether someone has tested it, is it reliable, whether it works, is it available in UK etc

  • In general, no, there aren't any biomedical treatments which have been shown by properly controlled clinical trials to make life significantly easier for autistic people. Some of the consequences of being autistic, such as high anxiety levels or depression, can be treatable in that way, just as they can be for non-autistic people having the same problems, but that isn't the same as changing the autism itself. Unfortunately, there are people who are very eager to take advantage of worried and confused parents to push unproven treatments, and I do advise you to be extremely cautious about such claims. Given how many autistic people there are, and how different we all are from each other, it's not surprising that sometimes there are coincidences where autism seems to change at the same time as some treatment or other; so it's very easy to cherry-pick anecdotes which are positive sounding but very misleading, even if the person making the claim is not intentionally trying to deceive.

  • In general, no, there aren't any biomedical treatments which have been shown by properly controlled clinical trials to make life significantly easier for autistic people. Some of the consequences of being autistic, such as high anxiety levels or depression, can be treatable in that way, just as they can be for non-autistic people having the same problems, but that isn't the same as changing the autism itself. Unfortunately, there are people who are very eager to take advantage of worried and confused parents to push unproven treatments, and I do advise you to be extremely cautious about such claims. Given how many autistic people there are, and how different we all are from each other, it's not surprising that sometimes there are coincidences where autism seems to change at the same time as some treatment or other; so it's very easy to cherry-pick anecdotes which are positive sounding but very misleading, even if the person making the claim is not intentionally trying to deceive.

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