Highly functioning autism

Hi everyone, lovey to see so much support within this community! I’m Emily and my 6 year old son has just had his educational psych review and she confirmed my feelings which are also shared by his SenCo. Now his main issue at school (social skills aside) is that whilst incredibly intelligent and articulate, he will not transfer thoughts to paper (he is able to write well) and therefore is not attaining at the level we all know him capable of. The teacher mentioned a scribe but doesn’t want him to become reliant upon this. Can anyone in the same boat share any ideas of helping my son to put pen to paper? He’s so happy putting pen to himself and his clothes!!!!!

thanks so much for even reading the whole of this!



  • Set it to him as a problem.  Ask him if he can try and understand why, or can he work out any ways of making it better?  Explain why it's a problem and ask him to see if he can think about it and maybe come up with a solution.

  • Hi thanks for your reply. I have asked him and he always says he doesn’t know. Unsure if it’s disinterest and boredom, or just that he doesn’t really understand why he should.

  • Have you considered asking him why he doesn't?  I wasn't dissimilar at that age.  My primary school didn't put me forward for 11+, not because they thought I didn't know the stuff, just that they felt I would struggle to get what I knew down on paper in time and it would just stress me out.