New here / types of meltdown question

Hi everyone

I am new to the forum here, and am waiting the final appointment for my autism assessment.

Having researched autism I am not sure I have had the types of meltdowns that others have experienced, but if a situation gets too much I just break down in tears.  This can be linked to feeling anxiety as well I think, but it feels a bit like a tap is running and as soon as it reaches the top, it overflows, and I start crying.  This can be troubling for those around me (my wife and children), though I have tried to explain that it is my way of dealing with things, and I feel as though ultimately it does help me, gives me a release.

I just wondered if others felt the same way or had similar experiences?


  • Hey 38506

    a shutdown is an internalising of self to cope with stress. You might not be able to hear people’s voices, be able to speak. You got into self preservation mode or withdraw yourself from a situation that is causes distress.

    a meltdown is the externalising of stress - crying, shouting, raging, tantrums in children (and adults), lashing out

    a bit like the flight (shutdown), fight (meltdown) response to stressors.

    anyhow, that’s my personal take on it.

  • Thank you, so it sounds like that is "my" type of meltdown, and the way I express it.  I don't have any of the other symptoms you mention above, but am not sure whether people would display one or multiple?

  • Thank you, so it sounds like that is "my" type of meltdown, and the way I express it.  I don't have any of the other symptoms you mention above, but am not sure whether people would display one or multiple?

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