
There is currantly no Diagnosis process where I am living at the moment,

My son is 4 and has been seeing the pead, salt, and nursery who all agree that he has either HFA/AS. the only person who has not helped is the educational pschologist who has blamed his behavior on having children close together.

My son has had worriesome behavior from a baby, he rarely cryed, never showed affection. Had very bad picca still does.

Constantly mouthing everything..

Has Obsessions to the point that is all he talks about.

Does not like 1 to 1 attention, and plays inappropely with peers.

Has very poor eye contact

Walks 99% on tip toes

Has to have routine..

Has poor sleep..

The educational pschologist says that he cant have ASD because he can show he is happy at seeing his dad, and he is doing it for attention!!!

And she said that all children has obbsessions...


it seems she is really trying to put me off having my son go through assessment.

And it was nursery who came to me to say they where worried about him and wanted him assessed, 

I had a word with the teacher what she thought and she said she had worked in a school for 10 yrs with children with ASD and in her oppin my son is very similar to them..

My son was so scared of the teacher shouting at the children (because they where being unruley) he hid for most of the session would you say that was atenttion seeking behavior? And the next day he refused to go in and ended up hitting the teacher and runing away..

The educational pschologist also said "Any way it dont matter most children dont get a DX till there at least 8"!!!!