Shy or autistic?

I thought it might be a good idea, for people who are looking for some advice, to explore the difference between being shy and being autistic.

There may be some individuals who suspect that they might be somewhere on the spectrum because they have difficulties with socialising and are not clear about the real differences between simply being timid and having autistic traits.

What are the key differences between someone who feels shy around groups of people and autistic people who have communication issues? How can you tell the difference?

  • Thanks Pixiefox And lostmy way.

    You are describing me perfectly in a social situation awkward gauche always putting my foot in it and never managing to fit into a group however hard I try and struggling  not to  be noticed for the wrong reasons.

    But what can I do to fit in more and feel relaxed I often have to escape such social situations to sort of recharge my batteries as I feel so stressed.

    Does talking to like minded people help ? I have tried individual talking therapy but this does not help in dealing with day to day life including job interviews where I am frequently misunderstood and misinterpreted that goes beyond shynes.

    Can anyone advise me ?

  • Thanks Pixiefox And lostmy way.

    You are describing me perfectly in a social situation awkward gauche always putting my foot in it and never managing to fit into a group however hard I try and struggling  not to  be noticed for the wrong reasons.

    But what can I do to fit in more and feel relaxed I often have to escape such social situations to sort of recharge my batteries as I feel so stressed.

    Does talking to like minded people help ? I have tried individual talking therapy but this does not help in dealing with day to day life including job interviews where I am frequently misunderstood and misinterpreted that goes beyond shynes.

    Can anyone advise me ?

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