Hello Fresh (food delivery service)

I personally do not like prepareing food.

I might HAVE to eat the stuff, (and ocasioanly it's really enjoyable) but the preparing and the faff afterwards is normally an adverse experience and the quailty of the food I might produce not worth the effort expended. 

So when my G/F tells me we are trying a new service where we will be making a set meal out of ingredients from the "Hello Fresh" service my heart sank.

One area where NT's happy lives and our miserable existences does intersect is that both groups (I wanted to use the word cohorts, but "groups" is better known, if less precise) have to do stuff that they don't really like or want to do at times.  So it was time for me to cook.

Since my G/F had inflicted this on me, I insisted that she sort out the timings and take overall responibilty for the organising whilst I just focussed on doing the individual tasks competently, adn keeping control of the mess the bloody process produces.

The result was an outstanding meal!! And our second and third attempts went quite well too, which was very encouraging. 

Imagine my disappointment to be told today today that their selling point is "never the same meal twice".

Well, THAT does not sit well with this Autist!

I wanted to be able to repeat the really good meals... 

The whole point of the excercise for us is to get away from the almost completely random results that we get with trying to order pre-prepared food...

On the plus side though, I'd never tasted or smelt "truffle zest" before and that has been an interesting experience. I think there may be some sort of subtle pheremone or drug receptor thing going on with truffle to be honest, that makes you want to do it again... 

We made some really nice good resaturant quality food for way less than the cost of some McDonalds or costa junk, and by splitting the workload, (I don't mind the physical work involved really, it's the "uncertainty of outcome" that makes food prep unattractive to me, and left to my own devices that extends even to "beans on toast". 

Sadly, my life sucesses have all come when I was a part of a "team" with someone to backstop my considerable deficiences and allow me to use my considerable compencies to their best advanatage.

My partner was hampered for at least twenty years of our relationship by being a "Feminist". This seems to be a poisonous ideolgy that makes natural Male / Female "teamwork", as God designed it to work, almost impossible to accomplish. Our lives have got noticeably better since she discarded it.

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