Does anyone struggle with excessive sleeping?

I am really struggling with excessive sleeping, I don't know why. I don't have any medical conditions other than my Autism and low B12.

I wake up at a usual time, around 8am but feel very dazed and fall asleep again until 10:30am and then stay in bed scrolling on my iPhone until around 1pm.

I'm trying really hard to improve my life and change things, but I feel exhausted and need lots of sleep. I used to be able to sleep fine and go to bed at a good time, but recently I have been resisting sleep so I don't fall asleep until around midnight or 1am.

There's a lot to unpack there, I'm feeling a little lost as I can't see many posts relating to excessive sleeping and Autism.

Any advice or personal experiences would be welcome, thanks! 

  • I've always needed a lot of sleep. When I was school age, in the holidays I would regularly sleep 12 hours a night, and as an adult I've always felt best after sleeping around 9 or 10 hours. However I usually go to bed between 10 and 10.30 and then wake up around 8am. I'm the summer when it gets light early, I sometimes wake early (about 5.30) and if I can't get back to sleep I have to take a nap after lunch.

    I read somewhere that autistic brains do more processing than NT brains so that would explain a need for more rest/sleep?

    I keep the screen settings on my tablet on the blue filter mode, which is supposed to help with getting sleepy in the evening. Also going out in the fresh air during the day can help.

  • I've always needed a lot of sleep. When I was school age, in the holidays I would regularly sleep 12 hours a night, and as an adult I've always felt best after sleeping around 9 or 10 hours. However I usually go to bed between 10 and 10.30 and then wake up around 8am. I'm the summer when it gets light early, I sometimes wake early (about 5.30) and if I can't get back to sleep I have to take a nap after lunch.

    I read somewhere that autistic brains do more processing than NT brains so that would explain a need for more rest/sleep?

    I keep the screen settings on my tablet on the blue filter mode, which is supposed to help with getting sleepy in the evening. Also going out in the fresh air during the day can help.
