Any spiritual beliefs?

I was raised christian but never really felt it, too metaphorical and poetical for my literal ass. I dont subsicribe to any religion but i like the idea of reincarnation, the idea that everyone is comprised of both a physical body and a spiritual body, like some kind of soul that can exist detached from the physical body. Reincarnation makes sense to me because many things on our earth happen in a cyclical fashion, the moon, tides, seasons ect. So its interesting to think life and death could function as a cycle as well, but i'm not sure we have much chance of getting reincarnated as human every time like a lot of people seem to think. More likely when I die ill come back as a cyanobacteria or a blob fish or something. What about u guys?

  • I'm not religious, I don't observe a faith. I have my own, in the sanctity of life, having courage and being kind. 

    Maybe there's more, but that's what I can think of.

  • The Pre-Christian and Celtic beliefs of the Druids before Saint Patrick are worthy of note, so much so that the early Irish Church adopted these beliefs into Christianity - the most beautiful Catholic prayers that are out there are written in the Irish Gaelic language 

  • The Pre-Christian and Celtic beliefs of the Druids before Saint Patrick are worthy of note, so much so that the early Irish Church adopted these beliefs into Christianity - the most beautiful Catholic prayers that are out there are written in the Irish Gaelic language 

  • That's if St Patrick was the one to bring Christianity to Ireland, there seems to be some doubt about when Christianity came to Britain and Ireland. In England we're told that it was St Augustine that Christianised England, which totally forgets the Irish church based in Iona and the vast influence it had across Scotland, Northern England and of course Ireland itself. I think a lot of early church and Christian history has been lost, sometimes deliberately destroyed by the Roman church.

    Some of the Celtic prayers are beautiful and very grounded.