Scurvy and autism

'A majority (64.2%) had a concomitant diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Common presenting musculoskeletal reports included difficulty walking, knee pain, and lower limb deformity. Burden of disease of scurvy was markedly greater than that of the average inpatient population, with these patients experiencing greater total charges and longer hospital stays.'

Parents Reply Children
  •  Visual,gross motor,fine motor,ideotional, and constructional= global

  • Yes, Dyspraxia causes poor coordination. This can affect the fine and gross motor skills and can look like being clumsy.   I think an Occupational Therapist can diagnose this.

  • I veer from side to side quite a lot . Have had balance and coordination problems from as far back as I can remember.  First school I went to in Bangkok  were concerned I might have what we now call cerebral palsy. My parents had me assessed at Great Ormond street c 1962/63. The result was negative, and other possibilities weren't explored.  Various (mental) health professionals have mentioned dyspraxia, but I've never been officially assessed.

  • It might be worth having your balance and ears checked. Inner ear problems can cause balance issues.  I know when I've been walking then come to a stop I sometimes vear to one side.