
Having had bad posture all my life (hunched shoulders/rounded back) finding out it could be as a result of autism hypermobility/low tone felt groundbreaking, like it might not just be a personal failing. However, I would like to ‘stand up straighter’ as it would help multiple areas of my life. 
Has anyone found anything that helps? I do pilates most weeks and try to stand up straighter when I remember but struggle with body awareness and sensory things that lead me to hunch over (e.g. wearing bras).

thank you!

  • I have bad posture too. Since being a teenager (several decades ago), my poor posture appears to have been responsible for triggering often excruciating pain in my back and shoulders, in addition to causing a slight curvature of my spine.

    When I put my mind to it, I do have the ability to stand straight and walk tall, but after a few minutes I find myself slipping back into bad habits and slouching. Some years ago, I invested in a back and shoulder brace. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to wear, but it did make it impossible for me to slouch. However, I have since read that braces intended to improve/correct posture may actually do more harm than good.

    I do think changes in furniture design have contributed to an increase in poor posture. Whilst it is possible to purchase straight-backed sofas and chairs, it now seems to be the older generations that favour them. Whereas, younger generations seem to favour furniture that seems to actively encourage slouching, perhaps because it's considered to look more comfortable.

    Based on things I have read and heard, the use of hand-held devices like smartphones and Kindles is contributing to an increase in problems associated with poor posture. Rather than sitting straight and holding these devices at eye-level, there is a tendency for many people to sit hunched over and look down at their devices.

  • I have bad posture too. Since being a teenager (several decades ago), my poor posture appears to have been responsible for triggering often excruciating pain in my back and shoulders, in addition to causing a slight curvature of my spine.

    When I put my mind to it, I do have the ability to stand straight and walk tall, but after a few minutes I find myself slipping back into bad habits and slouching. Some years ago, I invested in a back and shoulder brace. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to wear, but it did make it impossible for me to slouch. However, I have since read that braces intended to improve/correct posture may actually do more harm than good.

    I do think changes in furniture design have contributed to an increase in poor posture. Whilst it is possible to purchase straight-backed sofas and chairs, it now seems to be the older generations that favour them. Whereas, younger generations seem to favour furniture that seems to actively encourage slouching, perhaps because it's considered to look more comfortable.

    Based on things I have read and heard, the use of hand-held devices like smartphones and Kindles is contributing to an increase in problems associated with poor posture. Rather than sitting straight and holding these devices at eye-level, there is a tendency for many people to sit hunched over and look down at their devices.

  • I agree with you about furniture, Mum and I bought new sofa and chair ealier in the year, it took us a year to find what we wanted, I'm 5'10" and Mums 5'3", it was almost impossible to get anything that suited both of us. A lot of the furntiture we saw, the seat depth was so short even Mum's little legs were to long and for me I could barely fit my bottom on many of them, even the chaise type sofa's were to short. Many of them were expensive and poorly made too, it also didn't help that many shops don't keep a good range in store as it didn't seem to occur to them that people might actually want to sit in them before buying, something I think really imprtant when theres a 3 month wait for it to be made. If furniture isn't made to fit real bodies, then it's hardly surprising that its uncomfortable and causes people problems. I did look at those places that make chairs for "older people" you know the rise and recline type, but they're so expensive! I was told about 5k FOR ONE CHAIR!

    I have a kneeling chair for doing computer stuff, you can slouch on them buts it's far less comfortable than sitting upright.