
Having had bad posture all my life (hunched shoulders/rounded back) finding out it could be as a result of autism hypermobility/low tone felt groundbreaking, like it might not just be a personal failing. However, I would like to ‘stand up straighter’ as it would help multiple areas of my life. 
Has anyone found anything that helps? I do pilates most weeks and try to stand up straighter when I remember but struggle with body awareness and sensory things that lead me to hunch over (e.g. wearing bras).

thank you!

  • This will sound odd to you but salmon is very good. It is the healthiest food in the world, eat that regularly and I guarantee you it will help

  • salmon is very good. It is the healthiest food in the world,

    That comes with a boatload of caveats - mostly because farmed salmon suffers terribly from parasites and wild salmon is also very prone to worms, lice and diseases:

    Salmon should always be thoroughly cooked to ensure the worms that normally live in it are cooked through - I've seem them still active in lightly grilled salmon.

    I'm a big sushi fan but have stopped eating salmon (wild pacific salmon is the most common where I live)  after several occasions of finding the worms still alive in the slices of raw fish. I've not found this in any other type of raw fish oddly enough and I do check them all now.

    My cousin used to run a salmon farming operation in Scotland and gave it up in the end as the fish were so infested with parasites due to their dense farming methods and food rich environmnet.

    There will also be high levels of microplastics and modest levels of mercury in salmon but this is common for most fish now.

  • salmon is very good. It is the healthiest food in the world,

    That comes with a boatload of caveats - mostly because farmed salmon suffers terribly from parasites and wild salmon is also very prone to worms, lice and diseases:

    Salmon should always be thoroughly cooked to ensure the worms that normally live in it are cooked through - I've seem them still active in lightly grilled salmon.

    I'm a big sushi fan but have stopped eating salmon (wild pacific salmon is the most common where I live)  after several occasions of finding the worms still alive in the slices of raw fish. I've not found this in any other type of raw fish oddly enough and I do check them all now.

    My cousin used to run a salmon farming operation in Scotland and gave it up in the end as the fish were so infested with parasites due to their dense farming methods and food rich environmnet.

    There will also be high levels of microplastics and modest levels of mercury in salmon but this is common for most fish now.

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