
Hi. I’m new to this group. Newly confirmed autistic in early 40s, but known this for a long time and have experienced the same challenges all my life - just never knew why until recent years and better understanding of autism in women etc. Have had regular headaches for as long as I can remember and have learned how to manage them as best I can over the years, but recently read that they may be connected with my autism. Does anyone else experience these? I find they can be triggered by sunlight, high uv even on non sunny days, strong smells, over-whelming social gatherings, and after intensive periods of masking at work.

  • Ive always suffered with frequent headaches and the occasional migraine also. My triggers are the same as yours including hormonal changes, stress and general sensory overload. 

    That said, since i was diagnosed (a few months ago) I’ve noticed a decrease in my “everyday headaches”. It may just be a coincidence, but I’ve tried to be kinder to myself and to start unmasking especially at home or with family. I don’t push myself further than what I’m comfortable doing and with busy/social days I try to follow with quiet alone time to help me recharge. I pace myself with chores and don’t feel guilty for not doing things like I did before.

  • Yeh definitely I also experience what you say you experience here. Do you have trouble sleeping too? Many of us autistic folks deal with insomnia and crippling anxiety. 

  • Hi Whistler. I’m glad the early retirement & other changes you’ve made have helped. That’s really good news.

  • Thank you for your comments and it’s been great to know I’m not alone with this. I’ve learned to live with my headaches, but it is a relief to know why I’m so affected by them and most ants are not (or not in the same way/ for the same reasons)

  • I'm not (yet) diagnosed with autism. I probably have 4 years to wait for assessment.

    I had a number of health problems during my working life, one of which was chronic migraine, rarely being free of symptoms. I attended a neurology clinic for some time, where they diagnosed migraine and tried various treatments, none of which were very successful. I discharged myself because of the lack of progress and the stress of some of the neurology appointments (autism related? rapid fire questions from strangers - being lunged at and grabbed...) Since taking early retirement, I'm able to reduce what I guess are the trigger situations - crowded or noisy spaces, bright artificial light. Migraines are now largely gone.

  • Ha ha - yes, if I put sunglasses on in winter I look like a secret service agent.

  • Thanks Kate. Yes, agreed re the stress. Masking in itself is stressful, even if we don’t realise at the time it catches up with us later or does for me anyway 

  • Thanks Mark - that’s reassuring to hear that you’ve had a similar experience. I find sunglasses help outside, but do get some odd looks when it’s not actually sunny. Doesn’t bother me much as at least it helps with the headache.

  • Stress and tension can cause headaches, and perhaps being autistic might result in increased stress and tension ( due to some of the sensory issues you mention etc). Perhaps you could look at reducing stress in your life and see if that helps? That might be the underlying cause.

  • Hello JD,

    I used to get a lot of headaches. Some of your triggers are the same for me - especially sunlight. I've been doing a lot of avoidance which while it helps isn't really a good answer. I need to get back out there more. I just got diagnosed recently too and am early 50s male. I hope the diagnosis can help arm me and find a better balance.