
Hello, I would love to find out about any hotels, airports or countries you have visited and loved.Were they ASD aware? Helpful or offer anything that went over and beyond?

What are the go to helpful things that help when you travel, any hints or tips? Is there anything you do differently if your child is on medication? 

What do you find hard, stressful or overwhelming about booking a hoiday?

Thank you in advance. 

  • I don't really go on holidays I feel I need a holiday to recover from the one I just had, I'm not widely travelled either, but if I had to choose somewhere to visit again it would be Istanbul. It's massive, ancient and overwhelming, but everybody feels like that there, I don't know if I'd say it was autism friendly, but I found it a very welcoming place and the people very kind. Be aware if visiting there that when you ask for a G&T they don't use measures like we do and you're likely to end up with a glass of gin with a tonic top, the food is fantastic and there's so much history tht even I found it hard to take in.

    Other than that my best holidays have been spent in the wilds of Scotland, on the West Coast and Skye, there's plenty of places to get away from people, but not midges!

  • This is really helpful, thank you. Holidays ARE stressful- completely understand. Istanbul is a great one! A beautiful mix of old and new! Great choice! 

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