Bowel problems(gross language)

Who else   experiences bowel problems?  Unable to go for 3-4 days and then when  you do go   you go to the opposite extreme ie 4 or so times in a day. It goes from doing large poos that can be quite painful to being very loose. I get pain in my hip, lower back, and pelvic areas after several days of not going.

  • Most likely it could be allergies and the need for supplements, as getting older means our bodies aren't working as well as when we were children. But this issue can go part and parcel with Autism.

    I've talked about this in a few threads, so forgive my repetition, but all the medical findings regarding ADHD and Autistics having lower GABA inhibitors in our  biology have a direct impact on gut health and bowel movements as well as affecting the immune system, mental clarity and heightened anxiety. Everything we 'suffer' from can be addressed with fixing this one thing, while keeping in tact all the best parts about how we understand and perceive the world. 

    I've been taking a mushroom blend (nootropics) for a few decades, but one I get from this mycologist in the US. From mid 20's to 40, I would take them on and off, but as I've gotten older, it's now daily - and it has made an incredible difference.  I've had good results with immune building ones. My son takes a brand call Feel Güd. There are a great deal of companies making mushroom blends, some like this which also provide testing

    But I also mind gut-health. Enzymes in a bitters blend with dandelion,  a probiotic, chlorella, red meat and a multi vitamin. I stay away from Spinach and other greens in the Mustard family (cruciferous) as they are insoluble fibres, and only make matters worse. I'm off almost all grains and legumes except oats, which cause blockage. When younger, I went gluten free after nearly 10 years of not eating much and experiencing the same problems.

    Sometimes it can be helpful if you have the discipline to limit everything down to a handful of safe foods for several days (plain chicken, daisy family lettuce, carrots, apples) and then slowly introducing things. You might find the right situation for your own health. On a side note, anti-depressants further lower GABA, while anti-anxiety meds promote it.

  • Most likely it could be allergies and the need for supplements, as getting older means our bodies aren't working as well as when we were children. But this issue can go part and parcel with Autism.

    I've talked about this in a few threads, so forgive my repetition, but all the medical findings regarding ADHD and Autistics having lower GABA inhibitors in our  biology have a direct impact on gut health and bowel movements as well as affecting the immune system, mental clarity and heightened anxiety. Everything we 'suffer' from can be addressed with fixing this one thing, while keeping in tact all the best parts about how we understand and perceive the world. 

    I've been taking a mushroom blend (nootropics) for a few decades, but one I get from this mycologist in the US. From mid 20's to 40, I would take them on and off, but as I've gotten older, it's now daily - and it has made an incredible difference.  I've had good results with immune building ones. My son takes a brand call Feel Güd. There are a great deal of companies making mushroom blends, some like this which also provide testing

    But I also mind gut-health. Enzymes in a bitters blend with dandelion,  a probiotic, chlorella, red meat and a multi vitamin. I stay away from Spinach and other greens in the Mustard family (cruciferous) as they are insoluble fibres, and only make matters worse. I'm off almost all grains and legumes except oats, which cause blockage. When younger, I went gluten free after nearly 10 years of not eating much and experiencing the same problems.

    Sometimes it can be helpful if you have the discipline to limit everything down to a handful of safe foods for several days (plain chicken, daisy family lettuce, carrots, apples) and then slowly introducing things. You might find the right situation for your own health. On a side note, anti-depressants further lower GABA, while anti-anxiety meds promote it.

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