Long term stomach problems - solutions?

Hello everyone,

My 15 year old autistic son has had stomach problems for about a year including upset tummy and stomach pains.

He has had extensive tests by an experienced paediatric gastroenterologist who has previously seen other autistic patients and who is simpathetic and knowledgeable. The tests have not identified any physical illness or problem. They have said that in their experience, the next step is to try Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help provide advce and tools for dealing with the issue which they think may be a result of anxiety and / or stress.

We are happy to try this, but has anyone had a similar experience and can anyone suggest any other therapies or approaches that may help with these ongoing issues?

Thank you.

  • My 15 year old autistic son has had stomach problems for about a year

    Good information to help us come up with some suggestions would be:

    1 - has his diet changed in the run up to the onset of symptoms? Is it a healthy, balanced diet? Has he been testd for allergies?

    2 - Are there any major environmental changes for him in the run up to the onset.

    3 - Has he showed maked increase in any of his autistic behaviours in the run up to the onset? Stress through hormonal changes in puberty could be a strong candidate here - lots more testosterone amongst other hormones and all the social pressures that come around this age.

  • Hi Iain

    Thanks for your reply.

    The diet has remained consistent and is healthy and balanced - plenty of fruit and veg,meat and fish. Nothing unusual or new, and nothing particularly unhealthy. He likes the occasional fizzy drink or sweet thing but he is a fairly typical teenager in this regard I think .

    Allergy tests have not revealed any issues including gluten or lactose.

    It has been a year of building up to GCSEs at school so potentially this could be an issue. One of his friendships has been a problem but the stomach issue was around before this.

    I will investigate whether increased hormones could be a factor, thanks.

  • Big changes.

    pointing this out to him, what happens?

  • Sorry I don't quite follow you - could you please clarify what you mean? Thanks.

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