Describing pain

Does anyone else struggle explaining how they feel with pain? I saw my GP this morning cause I've been having pains and when she asked what sort of pain it was I couldn't answer her because I don't know. Pain is pain to me. It just hurts, I couldn't elaborate on that anymore. And then she asked me what scale my pain was on from 1-10. I couldn't answer that either, it just hurt I didn't know how to explain it. 

I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes at me though can't be 100% sure of it but I'm pretty sure I saw that. She definitely gave me a look though like I was wasting her time. 

I left feeling really awkward and lonely because no one around me gets what this is actually like. 

It reminded me of when I was little and had tummy pain and my mum asked me what type of pain it was then too and again I didn't know I just said it hurt. 

I'm wondering if this is autism related?

  • Does anyone else struggle explaining how they feel with pain?

    Yes- very much so.I would imagine it's something that affects both male and female autistic persons. This is from a research article titled

    “I am afraid of being treated badly if I show it”: A cross-sectional study of healthcare accessibility and Autism Health Passports among UK Autistic adults"

    'Those who were formally diagnosed [H(2) = 11.715 p = 0.003] or undergoing diagnosis [H(2) = 11.715 p = 0.003] reported increased difficulty describing pain compared to those who were self-identifying'

    'Search for 'pain'

  • Does anyone else struggle explaining how they feel with pain?

    Yes- very much so.I would imagine it's something that affects both male and female autistic persons. This is from a research article titled

    “I am afraid of being treated badly if I show it”: A cross-sectional study of healthcare accessibility and Autism Health Passports among UK Autistic adults"

    'Those who were formally diagnosed [H(2) = 11.715 p = 0.003] or undergoing diagnosis [H(2) = 11.715 p = 0.003] reported increased difficulty describing pain compared to those who were self-identifying'

    'Search for 'pain'

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