Describing pain

Does anyone else struggle explaining how they feel with pain? I saw my GP this morning cause I've been having pains and when she asked what sort of pain it was I couldn't answer her because I don't know. Pain is pain to me. It just hurts, I couldn't elaborate on that anymore. And then she asked me what scale my pain was on from 1-10. I couldn't answer that either, it just hurt I didn't know how to explain it. 

I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes at me though can't be 100% sure of it but I'm pretty sure I saw that. She definitely gave me a look though like I was wasting her time. 

I left feeling really awkward and lonely because no one around me gets what this is actually like. 

It reminded me of when I was little and had tummy pain and my mum asked me what type of pain it was then too and again I didn't know I just said it hurt. 

I'm wondering if this is autism related?

  • I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes at me though can't be 100% sure of it but I'm pretty sure I saw that. She definitely gave me a look though like I was wasting her time. 

    I left feeling really awkward and lonely because no one around me gets what this is actually like. 

    How horrible of her to cause you to feel like this. Im also getting upset at the lack of understanding being shown to the neurodiverse. X

  • I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes at me though can't be 100% sure of it but I'm pretty sure I saw that. She definitely gave me a look though like I was wasting her time. 

    I left feeling really awkward and lonely because no one around me gets what this is actually like. 

    How horrible of her to cause you to feel like this. Im also getting upset at the lack of understanding being shown to the neurodiverse. X

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