The Council Have Upset Me

Hello Again,

I recently posted about CPWS these are the replacement to ASBOS.I was recently given one of these and have been given no evidence or proper warnings.

In fact myself and my Sister who lives with me have actually had years of hell with the Co Residents in our Road doing anti social things to us.

When I have asked in a  kindly way these people either ignore me or are rude.An example has been a deliberate overriding of an outside light.I am light sensitive and Autistic but they carried on then accused me of harassment.In addition I am obsessional and have OCD and the council and neighbours know this.

To cut a long story short i have appealed against this CPW and done a data subject access request.It is not nice the comments the council have made about my mental health and various other things.The latest appeal today was rejected after they spent 3 months looking at my appeal.Having a CPW has made me feel humiliated and like a third class citizen.

A pressure group I have joined has confirmed that a disproportionate number of people with Autism and mental health issues get these as we are expected to engage the same way as Oenone without Autism etc.

Any thoughts anyone as felling a bit fed up.!

  • i have appealed against this CPW and done a data subject access request.It is not nice the comments the council have made about my mental health and various other things.

    Do you mean the council have, on record, made disparaging comments about you?

    It may be worth considering getting a lawyer to look at these to see if they amount to slander and/or discrimination.

  • Thanks Iain yes they have put it in writing and I am going to go to the ombudsman and ICC .A lawyer would be lovely but would cost a bomb.It is defo discrimination and the council took 12 weeks to look at my claim to dismiss it so in my view they know they are in the wrong 

  • Thanks Iain yes they have put it in writing and I am going to go to the ombudsman and ICC .A lawyer would be lovely but would cost a bomb.It is defo discrimination and the council took 12 weeks to look at my claim to dismiss it so in my view they know they are in the wrong 

  • Hi In fact my pressure group have introduced me to a firm so thanks but the bigger picture is CPW s and CPNS are appalling.They are dished out predominantly to the mentally ill no evidence has to be provided and  if you get a CPN although you can appeal in the courts you get no legal aid it is expensive the council are still obstructive giving evidence of what you have done and they employ top lawyers.I have said to my council my council tax is going towards these schemes which i disapprove of .The only thing I am pleased about is now I know about them i tell as many people as possible and I will fight this injustice.Thanks so much

  • A lawyer would be lovely but would cost a bomb.

    Have you looked into the no-win-no-fee type of lawyers?

    Some can be a bit unpleasant to work with and will take a cut of your payout, but may be a good way to get compensation as well as action from the council.