Am I misunderstanding stimming?


I wanted to ask about stimming. People talk about stimming being a good thing and something you can do to help regulate yourself. I stim when I'm stressed but it doesn't make me feel better, its just sort of a compulsion.

Is that what it's like for other autistic people?

Because I've been feeling really jealous that other autistic people talk about stimming as if it is this magical outlet that makes them feel amazing, but I started to wonder that maybe I misunderstood how stimming benefits people. Maybe it's not like how I imagine. 

  • I'd never heard of stimming until I read Neurotribes and even then I didn't really understand it and still don't, the nearest I come to it is the odd MEOW when upset, I don't flap, hop, blow bubbles or any of the stims I've heard of others doing. Like you I'm unsure of how its supposed to benefit people, maybe its a bit like smoking or masturbation, it only makes sense to those who do it and feel releived by it, for the rest of us it a bit Ehh?

  • I'd never heard of stimming until I read Neurotribes and even then I didn't really understand it and still don't, the nearest I come to it is the odd MEOW when upset, I don't flap, hop, blow bubbles or any of the stims I've heard of others doing. Like you I'm unsure of how its supposed to benefit people, maybe its a bit like smoking or masturbation, it only makes sense to those who do it and feel releived by it, for the rest of us it a bit Ehh?

  • I didn't realise I needed to read someone having this point of view until I read this. Thank you for writing. Made me feel like I'm not just an unlucky, broken autistic person (And I also LOLed at your delivery, so bonus) 

    Me too with the meows (and occasional moo)