New job

How long did it take for you to settle into your new job?

I am struggling to settle, each day I wake up feeling sick with anxiety and even when I get home I struggle switching off, like I have a constant internal monolog, anyone experienced the same thing?
If so, what did you do to cope?

  • Don't think I've ever settled totally in any job in the 33 years since I left school and started working life. I always felt a bit like I wanted to do something else, find certain things annoying and get anxious about all sorts (usually other people and their behaviour) but the constraints of salary and hours V work life balance have always been greater than my need to enjoy my job totally.Nauseated face

    I doubt that's helpful sorry!

  • Don't be sorry! - I can totally feel your pain.
    I am waiting for an ADHD diagnosis as well and I find myself getting bored in a job so I go for something with more mental stimulation (usually still admin related, I love admin) but then (like now) I find myself feeling extremely overwhelmed and struggling to cope with all the changes!!

  • Don't be sorry! - I can totally feel your pain.
    I am waiting for an ADHD diagnosis as well and I find myself getting bored in a job so I go for something with more mental stimulation (usually still admin related, I love admin) but then (like now) I find myself feeling extremely overwhelmed and struggling to cope with all the changes!!

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