Health issues linked to autism and self medication

So I've been thinking a lot recently, since my diagnosis about my health issues.

Over the years I way convinced that I might just have a health issue that were causing my autistic symptoms and there would be something I could order from Amazon and take once a day to sort it. I guess some of that was denial. Now properly diagnosed I know it's not the case, however things like hypersensitivity play into my allergies for example.

Since diagnosis I have still wondered if there's a link at all, maybe not a cure but if autism is a physical different brain structure maybe other physical traits go with ir. The main ones for me are asthma and allergies (both come and go in intensity) unsettled digestion (appendix recently removed made no difference) recently what I think is rosacea (need to go to doctors, it's been a year now of procrastination) .

Blood tests only ever showed up a borderline (low) result for vitamin D, but I think supplements since have triggered rosacea (vit D and niacin in same multivitamin which I now stopped)

Currently I take most days - vitamin c and zinc /ACE selenium (I alternate). I find I feel far more focused if i take creatine (figured out from using it when weight training ) coffee or a caffeine drink/tablet helps me be focussed and less "stressy" , black tea I love but avoid now as it makes me scatty and anxious and paranoid, I think that's the ltheanine.

Anyway I won't go on too much, just thought it might spark some interesting debate! Anyone got any similar experiences or thoughts?

  • The dealpidated state of the NHS is encouraging us to become proactive, rather than reactive, regarding health matters.

    I take Vitamin C and Vitamin D fizzies, from Hollland and Barrett; just bought more supplies, this afternoon. Also, I am cooking more often; and getting more meat in my diet. Fewer carbs. And I use extra virgin olive oil for frying.

  • The dealpidated state of the NHS is encouraging us to become proactive, rather than reactive, regarding health matters.

    I take Vitamin C and Vitamin D fizzies, from Hollland and Barrett; just bought more supplies, this afternoon. Also, I am cooking more often; and getting more meat in my diet. Fewer carbs. And I use extra virgin olive oil for frying.

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