Any support, advice for navigating the buying and selling of a house?


I am currently in the process of selling and buying a house.  I also work full time and live alone.  I am finding the whole process of buying and selling unbearable.  I have no parents or support network.  For example the survey was cancelled today, I have had to make over 15 phonecalls and I was struggling to speak/just shut down completely on the phone and then burst in to tears.

The sale of the house has gone fairly smoothly, but the purchase is behind so I begin catastrophizing about losing the buyer etc.  I appreciate buying a house is stressful, I haven't even gotten to the packing and moving stage, which to be honest is what I am dreading the most.   I feel like I have paid agents, brokers etc to handle the 'admin; side of things, which is where I struggle.  Oh and phonecalls!

Where would most people turn for advice and support on this issue?  It's really not an autism friendly process, especially when I am navigating a change in career as well as home.

I've been telling call handlers that I'm autistic- just to give myself the space to not be misinterpreted.  I also tell them that I find phonecalls difficult and that I have already been on a significant number of call sin that day so am drained.   I think my hopes were just really pinned on it happening today as well, because without it happening, the process feels lengthened which makes me even more anxious.

Apologies for rambling on, but if anyone has any tips or connections who might support with this, I'd be grateful.

  • One thing that might help is to create a checklist of tasks you need to complete for both the sale and the purchase. Breaking things down into smaller steps can make it feel more manageable and less daunting. Also, consider designating specific times for phone calls so they don’t feel like they’re taking over your day. Remember to give yourself breaks in between; it’s okay to step back when it feels too much.

    I can relate to your struggle because I went through something similar not too long ago. During my house hunt, I found a Property Buying Company that really made things easier for me. They helped streamline a lot of the stressful processes, especially with the paperwork and negotiations. It was a huge relief to have someone experienced on my side. I think it could really benefit you too, especially since you mentioned the challenges with phone calls and the admin side of things. If you're interested, I can share more about them or you can check out this link for more information.

  • thanks you. I have bought some flat packed boxes and will start to assemble them. I am keeping a book of daily 'events' todays event was a shocker. 43 days and still the seller hasn't completed the paperwork.   I thought i was the ND person in the equation!

  • thanks for that. My buyer has been on the ball, but the seller hasnt even completed the paperwork- 43 days since i put the offer in.  I've text him today (gently) just to ask if the surveyor is arranged.  I am less than impressed with the estate agent handling the one im buying.  I think they were off work all of december!

  • I absolutely intend to use a removals firm.  Still haven't got an official date.  A kind friend is coming over tonight tonight to take me ex-teaching stuff for her class.   The loft is only what I can currently describe as hell!

  • thank you- sorry i have been offline a while. As was the whole housebuying process

  • I can't say I found it easy but what did help was lists and packing in a way that helped the other end.

    If you have time now you could make a list of all the people you will need to tell, along with email addresses to reduce the stress when you are moving. 

    If you start packing try to keep things organized so when you empty a box it all goes in the same place.

  • My family home and land sold in 2021, after a long and arduous process of finalising probates for my dead gran, granddad, dad and mum. The solicitor who took over the caseload, at the beginning of the 2020 lockdown, became proactive. Though I had to find out death dates of a few of granddad's siblings, in order to get death certificates.

    The legal issues for the sale were dealt with by the solicitor and estate agent. I, then, used the same agency to buy the home I currently have. Also, a couple of rentals. Now, I can rest easy.

    My brother also helped out, as he wanted to use his share to buy a home in Derry city. The solicitor advocated for him on certain issues.

    My advice is to keep emailing the solicitor, if there are any delays. That keeps him or her on their toes.

  • Hi, the sale of my house completed two weeks ago, I won’t pretend it was easy. My buyers were the ‘buyers from hell’, even my solicitor was surprised by their actions.

    The way I did it was to not make phone calls, all communication was through my solicitor by email. I was honest with my solicitor from the start, I would let her know when it was getting overwhelming and she would take over. I tried to make one call to a council department, I was asked what my phone number was? I couldn’t answer, panicked and put the phone down. The professionals who you are employing charge a lot of money, make them work for it.

    My advice is to start packing things you don’t often use, clear the attic and start taking stuff to the dump. We used a Luton van with a tail lift as we were only moving locally, we we’re still surprised at how many boxes there were. I would definitely use a professional removal company in the future.

  • Hi there

    I'm doing the same thing currently.  I tried two years ago and it all fell through, which it turned out was for the best.  I have spent a couple of years getting ready to do it again and this time will be much more prepared.

    You can't do anymore than you are able to, and I know that this is probably not what you want to hear and that right now you are in a hyperventilating place, but the fact is, the best thing you can do right now is to take some space from it.  An hour.  Have a bath, maybe take the day off.  Go to bed.  Count, meditate, whatever calms your mind....You will get more done and come at it with a clearer head tomorrow.  

    There is only so much you can control/change...the rest is down to the Universe.  It will all be ok in the end, whatever happens.  

    I couldn't find anyone to help, and I tried.  If you have put everything in agents, solicitor, surveyor....then turn your attention to what you can do....boxes, drafting letters to redirect post, inform utilities etc....But first, take a break, have a rest, reset and recalibrate.  Or you will burn out.
