Mixed eating disorders and non binary

I'm 42, born female but identify as non binary(dont feel male or female). I have severe sensory issues with food, an obsession over numbers, a fear of gaining weigh and I restrict my food, over exercise to cope with this. I've tried to find suitable help with it but between autism, being non binary and have complex mix of eating disorders I'm really struggling. I've tried "beat" and have a referral to e.d clinic but the waiting list is about 6 months where I am. 

Anyone any ideas on resources that are more suitable to my situation 

  • an obsession over numbers

    Hi there 84097

    Along with ASD, I was assessed to have OCD and Arithmomania (compulsive counting), which in my case means that I often feel the need to count, both forwards and backwords and occasionally in other languages.  As a child I would count things like cars or lamposts. 

    I count a great deal when I am stressed.

    About two years ago there were two or three threads on this forum in which I participated. A few other members also came-out as counters.

    Does this fit with your obsession with numbers, or are you more into mathematics?


  • ,

    I too go through phases of restricting my food for a variety of reasons.  I've come to realise that it's my way of controlling something when I'm stressed but can also go into a negative spiral where I don't feel I deserve to eat and eating becomes scary.  Luckily I decided to eat super healthily instead of restricting.  I've managed so far to stick to my diet and eat when I am hungry.  I still need to work on drinking more because it's not something I naturally want to do.

    I've been in touch with Beat a while back who were really good at listening.

    Something a psychologist said to me a while back helped a great deal: " I can give you the tools to help deal with your problems but it is you who needs to put the work in, I don't have a magic wand."  Whilst this may sound harsh, it made me realise that it is up to each person to find their own unique ways of dealing with the world.  

    I have severe sensory issues with food, an obsession over numbers, a fear of gaining weigh and I restrict my food, over exercise to cope with this

    Perhaps you could try to see what is positive about you senses, your love of numbers and your admirable quality of being honest with yourself and self aware.

    I too have heightened senses but there is beauty in it too.  I too feel neither male nor female but am happy with my female body.  I too have a tendency to control my food intake.  The difference I see is that I am trying to be kind to myself about what society tells us are deficits.  

    As hard as it is, list for me at least 3 things you like about yourself.  I'll go first:

    1. I try to be a good person.

    2. I try to support others.

    3. I try to be loving towards myself even when society can teach us we need "fixed."

  • Hi there, I think we posted about the same time...

    I don't really have any resources, but also have problems with food, which I see quite a lot with trans female/male and non-binary.

    I changed my diet a few years back.  It is always a work in progress, and essentially involves trying to eat more whole foods.  

    I do think we are 'force fed' a lot of addictive (fat, sugar, salt, preserved, meat, dairy, carb) type foods in the UK, and because that is where the emphasis is, and everyone is doing it, we think it is normal

    I don't cook yet but would like to do more soups, salads, stews and steaming.  All the Ss.  

    I know this isn't a resource, and please forgive me for that..... I hope you find your way with food, it is very difficult to have issues around eating.  

    All the best