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does cannabis and or thc interfere with ritalin effect?

hi all

i haven't found anything very conclusive or informative, but there's some mention of ritalin and cannabis attaching to the same cb1 receptors??? if so, can pot out compete ritalin, rendering ritalin ineffective?

I don't smoke pot a lot, but i do take thc or pot almost every single night... usually just enough to sleep - sometimes more, lol. never in the day. if i smoke too much at night, say, half or a whole joint, i feel it the next day. a pot hangover.

i'm also definitely interested in people who notice no effect and are happily indulging in both ritalin and pot.....

20 years ago, i tried ritalin, and could barely tolerate 5 or 10 mg. i'd get jittery, and noticed it could really focus me. now, since i take thc or pot, i'm up to 20mg... i don't notice many or any side effects --- it seems to help my focus. we've been upping my dose.............5 ...10......15 over three months... now i just started 20.  

thanks so much. stay healthy.

  • I'm very curious about this as, yes, in broad terms I can see it as being akin to having your feet on the brakes and the accelerator at the same time.  But it's probably not that simple and maybe the timing of each dose matters (as you say, Ritalin earlier on and cannabis last thing).  

    Does the Ritalin prescriber know you use cannabis and would they be able to shed more light on any possible interplay?  

    I'm also wondering - is there any possibility of attending a cannabis clinic to seek further advice?  I've noticed that the Sapphire Clinic and Project 21 both list autism as a potentially qualifying condition so, if the cost isn't prohibitive, it might be worth an appointment?

  • I'm very curious about this as, yes, in broad terms I can see it as being akin to having your feet on the brakes and the accelerator at the same time.  But it's probably not that simple and maybe the timing of each dose matters (as you say, Ritalin earlier on and cannabis last thing).  

    Does the Ritalin prescriber know you use cannabis and would they be able to shed more light on any possible interplay?  

    I'm also wondering - is there any possibility of attending a cannabis clinic to seek further advice?  I've noticed that the Sapphire Clinic and Project 21 both list autism as a potentially qualifying condition so, if the cost isn't prohibitive, it might be worth an appointment?

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